P. 84

SPECIAL FEATURE                                                                                                                  SPECIAL FEATURE

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              “The Ladybug wears no disguises. She is just what she advertis-
               es. A speckled spectacle of spring, A fashion statement on the
                wing…. A miniature orange kite. A tiny dot-to-dot delight.”                                                        When kindness happens to you, perhaps you are more likely to extend it to another,
                                    - J. Patrick Lewis                                                                             a concept displayed in the 2000 dramatic movie “Pay it Forward.” It is easier to
                                                                                                                                   respond with a friendly disposition when you receive the same, but it can be a chal-
                                                                                                                                   lenge when faced with a calloused human.
         Kindness is simple, yet impactful. Imagine a world where everyone you met was
         friendly, generous, and considerate. I believe such a world exists; one person at a                                       Perhaps their calloused emotions reflect the hard emotional lines we can’t see or the
         time displaying genuine kindness to their fellow human. Also, I believe kindness is                                       heavy load we can’t imagine having to bear. However, within each of us, is the power
         contagious, spreading from humanity to nature to animals.                                                                 to deliver kindness. There may be a storm raging, but we can be as constant as the
                                                                                                                                   sun for each other.
         Perhaps genuine kindness flows from an inner belief that we are all on this giant
         rock, doing the best we can, with what we have. Perhaps, kindness emanates best                                           Can kindness be so simple and create such a ripple effect? The articles in this edi-
         from those who have little? There is a profound humility in having experienced emp-                                       tion of ZGP prove that kindness can, in fact, be such a simple and impactful way of
         tiness and rejection when someone, selflessly, lifts you out of your suffering.                                           life. Whether born in a magnificent mansion or in a modest manger, anyone, any-
                                                                                                                                   where can extend kindness.

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