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increasingly recognized as witnesses of the level of civilization and of the   Through all its types, shapes, and symbols, culture not only just shapes
 cultural style of the past, even though they now have been long abandoned.  contemporary social life and links it to its social foundations in the past,
 If these epoch-making temples are reconstructed in historical descriptions,   but it also offers a vision and hope for the supporting community’s future.
 who would not become interested or even fascinated when dealing with   Therefore, culture is intimately related to transcendental consciousness that
 romantic and even heroic stories? The reconstruction effort becomes   connects people to their beliefs and that transcends mundane reality. In
 more exciting when old manuscripts are discovered to be deciphered, and   general, cultural manifestations, whether material objects, strings of words,
 especially when a myth is found that is still part of the present oral tradition.   or even lifestyles, are closely related to a spiritual sense of the divine. This
 Anyone interested in the history of the ancient periods will be amazed to   is so for historical relics, building and statues, and all else inherited from
 hear the story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes. how Ken Arok had the audacity   the past such as manuscripts and books, myths and oral traditions; they
 to kill King Tunggul Ametung because he was interested in Ken Dedes, the   usually spark a sense of religiosity. So do reflecting on and understanding
 beautiful queen. Moreover, he was convinced that his success in seizing   the meaning of life, and the ties and the purpose of social life. It is in
 Ken Dedes would put him on the throne of Singosari (in the early 13    an atmosphere of religiosity that the relationship between man and the
 century Java). But, as it happened, his success came with Mpu Gandring’s   universe as contained in old manuscripts and oral traditions is examined in
 curse. Or let us take the historical narrative of the ingenuity of Raden   detail. Man knows that history is the treasury of memories of past religious
 Wijaya, who not only deceived and defeated the Mongols, but also managed   beliefs and the spiritual foundation of personal and communal life. Usually,
 to declare himself the first king of Majapahit (1293), the kingdom that in   religious beliefs underpin the quest for the secrets of the universe. Thus,
 its culminated glory supposedly dominated almost the entire Indonesian   religion is believed to offer the true answers to the fundamental questions
 archipelago. Moreover, anyone may gain knowledge from this kind of   about human dignity. Religious beliefs give the legitimate answers to all the
 historical stories about the various dimensions and the nature of lost past   unanswered secrets of the universe.
 cultures. Perhaps these stories reveal past political tendencies that may put   The way the meaning of religion is perceived shows people’s desire to
 the democratic values and behavioral patterns of modern nation-states in   understand mankind’s social nature and historical dynamics and, to a lesser
 context. Is it so that the ideological ties with the past we learned at school   degree, the nation and local communities. This is especially so if a religion
 about what may be called “national personality” or “identity of the nation”   is cosmopolitan in nature and ignores geographic and ethnic boundaries. In
 legitimized the validity of contemporary nation-state’s socio-political life?   the Indonesian archipelago this desire can also mean an encouragement
 Attention for and curiosity about the historical narratives behind the temples,   to learn about and to understand the origins of the arrival and the spread
 buildings and other ancient relics sometimes feels as if they are witnesses   of Islam, a religion that denies regional human cultural boundaries.
 to changing cultural foundations. Everybody knows that culture is not only   Understanding the teachings and the history of Islam is even more needed
 decoration and social relations. Culture is the foundation upon which social   when one wants to understand the Muslim community’s dynamics or when
 life functions. Even material objects like buildings are displays of material   Islam is debated. What is it in the present reality of Islam that influences and
 culture, which allows a good life. In all non-material manifestations, words   even guides various aspects of private and social life? This question has
 of the spoken language, implied or written, culture is an inseparable part of   increasingly attracted attention because the historical and structural context
 social life. Within culture social ties and communications can be assembled.   enables us to understand events that happen regularly.
 Culture provides the foundation and the historical awareness of both personal   The historical and cultural dynamics that are considered the spark of Islam,
 and social life. Regardless of the different shapes and forms in which they are   from the various debates about the essence of religion and political behavior
 embodied, in essence, culture is the embodiment of the system of meaning    to the architectural shapes of houses of worship, generally attract attention
 that makes sense of and about everything. When we look at a monument, for   and even have become debated matters. This is understandable because
 example, we know very well that it conveys a message. Indeed, a culture is “a   Islam is a living religion and constantly exposes itself to or, perhaps, is faced
 world of symbols” embodied in manifestations ranging from facial expressions   with problems from the past, the present, and the future. Islam is also a
 and hand movements and the selection and use of words up to the shapes of   religion that refutes the separation between private and social life because
 utensils, buildings and shelters. Culture is not something that just exists and   of the ties between His creatures and the Creator of the universe. More
 is useful in daily life; it is much more than that. Culture “says something about   importantly, Islam is a living religion and its adherents commonly perceive
 something” for every possible form and manifestation.  it as existing in a dynamic situation. It is increasingly evident also that Islam
 1.  See Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Culture, New York: Basic Books, 1973.  is being placed into the socio-cultural context of its presence. When this

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