Page 2 - Tri-City Wellness Newsletter Feb 2021
P. 2

Tips to Improve Emotional Health

        M                                                                                                                   1.

                                              Whether you are feeling stressed, anxious, sad,
        O                                     or mad, exercise can often help. Researchers
                                              have found a strong link between regular exercise
                                              and improvements in mental health and mood. Be-
         V                                    coming more active can even enhance memory
                                              and cognition too.

                          Here’s how physical activity has                                                                  2.
         Y                a positive impact on your mental
                          outlook: Although exercise is a
                          form of physical stress, physical
        O                 activity helps manage your emo-
                          tional stress because, after physi-

         U                cal activity, you experience lower                                                                3.
                          levels of stress-linked hormones,
                          such as cortisol and epinephrine.

         R                And that can boost mood.

         B                It turns out that all forms of exercise — from walking and yoga
                          to running and sports — improve mood. But if you are feeling too
                          anxious, stressed, or down to find the motivation to exercise,                                    4.
        O                 how do you start?

                          The APA advises that begin-

         Y                ning with any amount of
                          physical activity, even a
                          short walk, is better than
                          not starting at all. You may
         D                soon find your mood is bet-
                          ter and you look forward to
                          exercising.                                                                                       5.



         Y                                                                         Make Yourself a Priority
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