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What is Drug Addiction?

                            Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease
                            that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use,
                            despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain
                            disease because drugs change the brain; they change
                            its structure and how it works. These brain changes can
                            be long lasting and can lead to many harmful, often self-
                            destructive, behaviors.

                                                               Source: The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction: The Basics
                            Prescription drug misuse can have serious medical consequences.
                            Increases in prescription drug misuse during the past 15 years are reflected in increased
                            emergency room visits, overdose deaths related to prescription drugs, and treatment
                            admissions for prescription drug use disorders, the most severe form of which is addiction.

                                                                           Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse

                              Common Drugs of Abuse

                               Categories of Drugs:

                               Illegal drugs and legitimate medications are categorized according to their medical use,
                               potential for abuse, and their potential for creating physical or psychological dependence.
                               The Controlled Substances Act regulates six classes of drugs:

                                 ➔ Narcotics
                                 ➔   Stimulants

                                 ➔ Depressants

                                 ➔ Hallucinogens
                                 ➔ Anabolic Steroids

                                 ➔ Over the Counter Substances

                               Within each class are substances that occur naturally and substances created in laboratories
                               (synthetics). When they are used appropriately in the practice of medicine, these substances
                               can have beneficial properties. When used for non-medical purposes, including the desire to
                               get high, these drugs can cause great harm and even death.

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