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                                                Saladillo Stream
     International Workshops
     Projects as Student                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nerea Astiasuain, María José Basualdo,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            María Cecilia Berdiñas, Maira Bullrich, Ayelén Buzzolan,
     International Workshops                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sofía Casco, Franco Calise, Ágnes Delgorgue,
      Students´ Projects                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Manuel González, Mariné Gresser, Flavia Leguizamón,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Elisa Loubiere, Florencia  Mazzei, Adolfo Salinas, Sofia Scenna.
     University Research Projects
     Projects as a Research Teacher
     University Outreach Projects
     Projects as a mamber of the Outreach Team
     Vulnerable Public Space Workshop
     Projects as a mamber of the Teaching Team
     Professional Works
     Projects as Independent Architect

                                                                          Analysis sketches

     Rosario, Santiago, Bordeaux, 2010:
     Rethinking the Saladillo stream, challenges of a
     complex project
     International  Cooperation  Program  among  the  School  of
     Architecture, Planning and Design -UNR- , the Architecture and
     Urbanism-University  of  Chile  and  the  Ecole  Nationale
     Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux.
     Rosario, Argentina.

     Program  coordinators:  Arch.  Emilio  Maisonnave  (Arg),
     Arch. Viviana Fernández (Ch), Arch. Carlos Gotlieb (Fr).
     Teachers:  Arch.  Soledad  Chamorro,  Arch.  Lautaro  Dattilo,
     Arch. Cecilia Ferrero.

     On  this  occasion,  the  the  Saladillo  stream  and  the  El  Mangrullo
     neighborhood, were taken as the intervention site. The general objective
     was to explore the strategic potential of this area, due to its location,
     contact  with  the  Paraná  River  and  unique  landscape  qualities.  The
     problems  that  were  considered  were:  the  large  disaffected
     infrastructures, the irregular settlements and lack of basic infrastructure,
     floodable areas, environmental problems -pollution- among others. The
     challenge  was  focused  on  requalifying  the  sector  with  an  urban-
     territorial scale project .

     Project published in:
     “Rosario, Santiago, Bordeaux 2012, 2011, 2010 "

     RSB 2012, 2011, 2010 cover                                          General Plan
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