Page 5 - 2022_03 Resource Guide
P. 5

When Death Occurs

             When Somebody You Love Becomes A Memory, That Memory Becomes A Treasure.

            When  death  occurs  at  a  hospital  or  nursing  home,  the  In these situations, immediately call 911. The police and
            medical staff should take care of all necessary legal steps.  emergency  personnel  will  then  respond  and  determine
            Inform the medical staff of your decision to have our fu-  the  appropriate  steps  to  be  taken.  Emergency  person-
            neral home care for final arrangements. They will prepare  nel will notify the physician or county coroner to secure
            any necessary release documents for your authorization  the release of the individual to the funeral home. Inform
            as next of kin. The medical staff will typically offer to notify  emergency personnel of your decision to have us care for
            our funeral home on your behalf. We respond to the hos-  arrangements and they will notify the funeral home to re-
            pital or nursing home upon receiving notification of death.  spond at the proper time.

                   ANTICIPATED DEATH AT HOME                           DEATH AWAY FROM HOME
            Today more people with terminal illnesses are electing to  If death occurs outside of our local area, you should first
            spend their final days at home under the care of hospice.  call us. We will coordinate with a local funeral director at
            Notify the hospice staff of your decision to have our fu-  the place of death. As a member of the largest nation-
            neral home care for arrangements. When death occurs,  al association for funeral directors, we can typically save
            the hospice nurse on duty should be notified first of the  families time and resources by having our firm make the
            death. They will direct the funeral home to the residence  transportation arrangements.
            at the appropriate time.

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