Page 111 - Gibson W.B. "The complete guide to knots"
P. 111

  the positions of the rings, cover them
  again and work beneath the cloth for
  a few moments. When the handker-
  chief is removed, the rings have
  indeed changed places! To everyones
  amazement, the white ring is now on
  the lower loop and the black ring on
  the upper loop; but the knot between
  them is intact. In fact, the knots have
  to be untied to remove the rings from
  the cord.
    Despite its seeming impossibility,
  the trick is subtly simple. Underneath
  the cloth, you grasp the loops on each
  side of the center knot and push them
  toward each other. Thanks to the stiff
  cord, the knot loosens and you can
  run the upper ring along the cord and
  through the knot, down to the lower
  loop (as shown by the arrows in fig.
    Reverse the process with the other
  ring, bringing it up through the loo-
  sened knot to the upper loop. Then
  pull the knot tight again, good and
  tight, so no one will realize how you
  worked the trick. With a little prac-
  tice, this can all be done quite rapidly.

                                                 fig. 3
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