Page 112 - Gibson W.B. "The complete guide to knots"
P. 112
The Spooky Ropes
Two six-foot lengths of rope are
used in this surprising stunt, wherein
you call on 'spooks" to aid you in
producing otherwise impossible
results. One rope is tied about your
left wrist and the other about the
right, each wrist being tied in the cen-
ter of its respective rope (fig. 1).
This leaves two ends dangling from
each rope. You sit down in a chair,
cross your arms (fig. 2) and let people
draw the ends of the ropes around in
back of you, tying them together
behind you and fixing them to the
back of the chair so that your arms
are literally clamped across your chest
(fig. 3).
Now, some objects are placed in
front of you on a table, such as a pad
and pencil, an alarm clock, a rubber
balloon, a small glass of water. A
screen or cloth is raised to hide you
from the spectators, or they step into
another room and close the door.
Immediately, spooky things happen.