Page 4 - Gibson W.B. "The complete guide to knots"
P. 4
Copyright © 1995, 1989, 1978, 1961 Walter B. Gibson
Fourth Edition
All rights reserved. Published by Lifetime Books, Inc., 2131 Hollywood Blvd.,
Hollywood, FL 33020.
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Library of Congress Cataloging- in Publication Data
Gibson, Walter Brown, 1897
[Fell's official guide to knots and how to tie them]
The complete guide to knots and how to tie them / rev. by Walter B.
p. cm.
Originally published : Fell's official guide to knots and how to tie
them. New York : F. Fell, 1989.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8 11 9-0829-1
1 Knots and splices. I. Title.
VM533.G55 1995
623.88 '82 -- dc20 95-14213