Page 6 - Gibson W.B. "The complete guide to knots"
P. 6

Racking Hitch              42
                             Cat's-paw                  42
                          V. Bends and Knots for Joining
                             Rope Ends
                             Knotty Alternatives        45
                             Double Overhand Knot       46
                             Ordinary Knot              47
                             Flemish Knot               48
                             Figure Eight Hand Knot     49
                             Sheet Bend                 50
                             Weaver's Knot              51
                             Carrick Bend               52
                             English Knot               53
                          VI. Loops and Nooses
                             About Loops                57
                             The Bowline                57
                             Figure Eight or False Bowline  58
                             Spanish Bowline            59
                             French Bowline             60
                             Lasso or Honda Knot        61
                         VII. Rope Shortenings
                             Too Much Rope              65
                             Single Chain Twist         66
                             Double Chain Twist         67
                             The Sheepshank             68
                             The Catshank               69
                             The Dogshank               70
                             Overhand Knot with Sheepshank ... 70
                            Jury Knot with Sheepshank   72
                        VIII. Fancy and Decorative Knots
                             Plain and Fancy            75
                             Tom Fool Knot              76
                             The Shamrock               77
                            Jury Mast Knot              78
                             Double Jury Knot           79
                             An Oriental Knot           80
                         IX. Tricks with Knots
                            Presenting Knot Tricks     83
                            Slip the Loop              84
                            On Again — Off Again       85
                            Go-Go Knots                86
                            Shake Them Away            87
                            The Impossible Knot        88
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