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to all employees  of  corporation  through online   Any other Significant Measures
            communications and digital platform.                taken by the Company

            NMDC  used  its  social  media  platforms  such     •  NMDC  advanced  Rs.  200  cr.  to  Chhattisgarh
            as  Twitter,  Facebook,  Instagram  etc.,  to  create   Government  towards  royalty  help  in  the  fight
            awareness  regarding preventive measures  for          against COVID -19.
            COVID-19 among employees and its stakeholders.      •  NMDC has contributed Rs. 50  Lakhs to the Hydera-
                                                                   bad Police Commissioner, Hyderabad City to enable
            A  detailed  booklet on “Back to work guidelines”      Police Authorities to procure Personal Protective
            was prepared and provided to all employees apart       Equipment (PPE) and other allied material for
            from displaying the same in all notice boards and      prevention & containment duties relating to the
            digital display boards, standees etc.                  ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic emergency.

            110   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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