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Fighting                                            could sanitise 3 surgical masks or 2 N-95 masks in

                                                                20 seconds.
            the Pandemic                                        Preventive Measures (for the Organisation and

            Monetary Contribution to PM CARES Fund
                                                                •  Task  Force  under  the  Chairmanship  of
            Payment to Contractual Workers during                  Director  (HR&BD)  was  made  to  ensure  strict
            Lockdown Period                                        implementation of Govt. Guidelines / protocols
                                                                   on  COVID  across  OIL  spheres,  local  level
            Social Support to needy by                             committees were also set-up.
            providing food & shelter
                                                                •  Creation  and  implementation  of  in-house
            Medical support to address health crisis               Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) specifically
                                                                   for operational activities during COVID-19.
            Social Responsibility is one of the key focus point for   •  Top Management of OIL started sending regular
            OIL, Like in the past, our employees ‘the ENERGY       communication  to the employees on safety
            WARRIORS’ of OIL have contributed 01 days’ salary      &  security  to  be  followed  as  per  Government
            to  the  PM  CARES  Fund,  this  is  in  addition  to  a   guidelines to prevent/contain spread of the
            contribution of Rs 38 Crore made by OIL to the above   corona virus. Also, the employees on duty in the
            fund under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).  operations of the Company were motivated from
                                                                   time to time for continuing their good work.
            Other humanitarian initiatives include:             •  OIL made it compulsory for all the employees to
            •  Mass  Awareness  campaigns  amongst  the  rural     undergo home quarantine if they or any of their
              & urban populace living across our operational       families are coming from abroad especially from
              areas.                                               the countries as notified by the Government from
            •  Regular and deep sanitization of public places in   time to time.
              Assam and Rajasthan including entire Duliajan     •  Large  scale  sanitisation  of  OIL’s  installations
              Township,  Border  Security  Force  offices-Tanot    in Assam, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh were
              Area etc by OIL Fire Service Deptt.                  carried  out  where  OIL’s  Fire  Tenders  were
            •  OIL  Officers  Association  has  supported  2000    used. Beside nearby localities, public spaces and
              needy families with various basic life supporting    important places were also sanitised. In Pipeline
              items including eatables, masks, sanitation items    Headquarters, Guwahati, Assam, these activities
              etc across operational areas in Assam.               were  carried  out  with  the  help  of  Guwahati
            •  Donated Personal Protective Equipments (PPE’s)      Municipal Corporation.
              to Guwahati Municipal Corporation.                •  Door  to  door  awareness  campaign  using
            •  OIL through its CSR/CC initiative provided food     e-rickshaws  were  carried  out  in  OIL  FHQ,
              packets to the needy, funded IIT Delhi towards       Duliajan, Assam and at strategic locations of local
              development of new technology to sanitise PPE        areas for public awareness.
              Kits.                                             •  Also, realising shortage of hand sanitiser in the

            Innovation, R&D and Technological                      market,  OIL  Chemical  Department,  produced
            breakthrough                                           sanitiser in its lab to be used across installations
                                                                   by OIL employees and was distributed for free to
            OIL  medical  section,  Jorhat,  Pump  Station  3,     people/households in its operational areas.
            innovated/designed  a  UV  rays  sanitiser  from    •  All employees of OIL were advised to download
            recycled material to sanitise used masks. The devise   Aarogya Setu app.

            112   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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