Page 144 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 144
Medical Support to address health crisis
PFC has been actively engaged in distribution of
PPE Kits, Masks, sanitizers and other essential items
to frontline Healthcare workers as a preventive
measure against spread of COVID-19. Financial
support provided by PFC for procurement/
distribution of PPE Kits/Masks etc. are as under:
• Contributed `50.00 Lakh to District
Administration, Bulandsahar (U.P).
• Contributed `50.00 Lakh to District
Administration, Siddharth Nagar (U.P).
• Contributed `50.00 Lakh to RED Cross, Kota
• Contributed `8.00 Lakhs for, Arrah (Bihar).
• Provided `1.23 Crore to Health Department,
Uttrakhand for 500 PPE Kits and 06 fully equipped
Innovation, R&D and Technological
PFC did not suffer any pull backs due to the
lockdown and every one contributed by working
from home using IT system. `11,000 Crore was
disbursed during Lockdown 1.0 shows the
effectiveness of PFC employees working from
Home. CMD and management are in regular touch
with the employees through MS TEAMS.
Power Finance Corporation Limited
P o w e r F i n a n c e C or p or a t i on L i m i te d 117