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•  600 packets of Hot cooked meals were distributed    for vulnerable categories of employees to contain
              on a daily basis (in total 36,000 meals were served)   the spread of COVID-19.
              within Visakhapatnam District to needy stranded   •  Details  of  history  of  travel  abroad  for  self  and
              contract workers in association with members of      their family members collected from all the
              Sri Sathyasai Seva Samiti (Ukkunagaram) from         employees and advised quarantine for them.
              03.04.2020 to 01.06.2020 with a total expenditure of   •  Further,  details  of  history  of  travel  to  hotspot
              `  7,10,000/-.                                       areas for COVID like Delhi, Kerala, Maharashtra
            •  Grocery items for 50 Stranded Contract workers      etc. for  self  and their family members  from
              including migrant labourers  inside  the plant       February  2020  onwards  collected  from  all  the
              were provided through WIPS (Women In Public          employees and advised quarantine for them.
              Sector)  wing  of  RINL  with  an  expenditure  of  `   •  Plant  is  being  run  with  skeletal  manpower.
              2,000/-.                                             The  guidelines  issued  by  the  Central  and  State
            •  Arranged  Annadaan  to  about  300  persons  per    Government are being followed both inside the
              day at Rehabilitation colonies on five occasions. A   plant and other administrative buildings.  These
              total of 1500 meals with expenditure of ` 30,000/-   personnel are distributed across 64 departments
              were served.                                         of the plant within a periphery of 900 acres.
            •  Distribution  of  470  nos.  of  Amruta  kalasams   Thus, the congregation as envisaged by Govt. is
              (items  containing  10  kg  Rice,  1  kg  toordal,  1/2   being avoided.
              kg  Tamarind, 1 litre  Oil packets, 1/4 kg  red   •  Thermal  scanners  have  been  procured  and
              chills)  at Aganampudi  &  surrounding  areas        scanning of employees is being done at entry
              by the members of Sri Sathyasai Seva Samiti          points at work site.
              (Ukkunagaram) on 20.04.2020. An expenditure of    •  Soaps for hand-wash are being provided in the
              ` 3,76,000/- was incurred in this regard.            washroom for use of employees.
            •  Food  was  arranged  on  daily  basis  to  about  125   •  Hand Sanitisers have been provided at Control
              migrant labourer of Odisha &  Bihar sheltered        pulpits and cranes etc.
              at  Jr.  College,  Aganampudi  by  the  members  of   •  Regular  disinfection  of  toilets  and  shop  floor
              Sri Sathyasai Seva Samiti (Ukkunagaram) from         areas with disinfectants has been taken up.
              14.04.2020 to 17.05.2020. Total of 4,250 meals with   •  All  public  places  of  worship,  entertainment,
              a cost of ` 2,04,000/- was served.                   sports, recreation clubs, gyms have been closed
            •  4,200  nos  of  Face  Masks  were  distributed      in the township during the lockdown period as
               through Visteel Mahila Samithi, WIPS (Women         per Govt. guidelines.
               In  Public  Sector)  wing  of  RINL,  Brahma     •  All  shops  and  commercial  establishments
               Kumaris  (Ukkunagaram), Sri  Sathyasai Seva         except those meant for essential supply such as
               Samiti  (Ukkunagaram)  and  Gayatri  Chetna         medicines, milk, groceries, vegetables etc., are
               Kendra  (Gayatri  Pariwar-Ukkunagaram).  The        not allowed to function with adequate measure
               expenditure incurred in this regard is ` 84,000/-   to avoid crowding during the lockdown period.
            Preventive measures                                 Overall preparedness of COVID facility

            Precautionary  measures  undertaken  at  RINL  to   •  In order to create awareness among Steel Plant
            contain the spread of COVID-19 are as given under:     employees  and  Ukkunagaram  residents,  wide
            •  A circular was issued advising all the employees    publicity has been given by an appeal from CMD
              and township residents to follow the guidelines      through pamphlets, Dial tone message through
              keeping in view the outbreak of COVID-19.            internal  Max  phones,  public  announcements
            •  Guidelines were issued for working from home        and displaying guidelines though intranet portal

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