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            the Pandemic

            Monetary Contributions to PM CARES Fund

            Rs. 150 Crores

            Payment to Contractual Workers during
            Lockdown Period

            Full payment has been made during the Lockdown.

            Social Support to needy by providing food &

            REC has provided support to about 1,00,000 people
            providing food & ration to stranded workers
            supporting works of power sector and other needy
            people. Support was provided through twenty RECs
            Regional  Offices  through  Distribution  Companies,
            District  Authorities,  Indian  Red  Cross  and  Police   measures at its Corporate Office and all its Regional
            department.                                         offices to protect the employees and their families
                                                                against the spread of novel coronavirus. Thermal
            In all, about 1,00,000 people are provided with food/   scanners are placed at the entry of all offices. Face
            ration for a period of 30 days. The specific details of   masks are provided to employees and visitors.
            support provided from 1  April 2020 to 17 June 2020   Entry of visitors is limited. Meetings are being
            are as follows;                                     organised  through  video  conferencing.  The  office
            •  Quantity of food grains provided: 4,78,213 kg    space is regularly and properly sanitised and hand
            •  Number of meals provided: 3,65,968 nos.          sanitisers are placed throughout the office.
            •  Sanitisers for hospital use: 1200 litres.
            •  PPE kits for non-hospital use: 3440 nos.         Besides information, videos and tips are being shared
            •  Masks: 85850 nos.                                with employees to help them boost their physical
            •  Sanitisers for non-hospital use: 8751 litres.    and mental health while they stay home during the
            •  Relief kits (dry snacks, glucose, masks, footwear,   lockdown. Since lockdown, detailed information on
              sanitiser) for migrant workers: 5000 at Delhi NCR  hospitals and testing centers has also been circulated
            Medical Support to address Health Crisis            to employees through e-mails and SMSes.

            Supported  establishing  COVID  Laboratory  at      Coordinating officers have also been designated for
            Ahmednagar,  Maharashtra, by providing Hot air      quick and efficient management of not merely health
            oven and Incubator.                                 claims of the employees but also in case there arises
                                                                that need for a little extra help for the employees and
            Preventive Measures (for the Organisation and       their families.
                                                                Business as Usual
            Health First
            REC  Limited  has  rolled  out  various  preventive   REC Limited was the first CPSE to introduce e-office

            124   Building Self Reliant, Resurgent, Resilient India - PSEs Contribution Amidst COVID-19
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