Page 219 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 219

Innovation, R&D and Technological                   print based attendance machine, and in place of that,
            breakthrough                                        the employees have been advised  to record  their

            FSNL has set-up a Sanitization Corridor, prepared   attendance (IN and OUT) in the Attendance register
            in-house with the available resources, which is near   kept for this purpose.  This will definitely help in
            the  main  entrance  of  FSNL  Bhawan,  so  that  each   containing spreading of COVID-19.
            employee  could  easily  enter  into  the  office  after
            getting sanitized. This in house sanitizer corridor is   Further, the process for installation of Face Reading
            cost effective and built with an initial investment of   Biometric System in all the Units of FSNL, including
            Rs. 3000/- only. By this way, each & every employee   Corporate  Office  through  GeM  portal  has  been
            gets sanitized  by  passing  through  the  sanitizing   initiated.  This step will help significantly in social
            corridor before entering into the office, due to which   distancing and avoiding spread of COVID-19.
            a hygienic condition prevails inside the office.
                                                                In accordance  with the  guidelines issued  by the
            Preventive Measures (for the Organization           Ministry, Thermal Scanners are kept at the entrance
            and Employees)
                                                                gate  at  Corporate  Office,  as  well  as  all  the  units
            All the preventive measures issued by the Ministry/  of  FSNL,  to  record  the  body  temperature  of  the
            DOPT  &  various  Government  departments,  have    individual employees. The temperature is recorded
            been  widely circulated among the employees         in the register,  wherein  the  employee marks his/
            through  Office  Orders/  Circulars,  and  the  Units   her attendance, so that immediate medical attention
            have been advised to ensure strict compliance       could be arranged for an employee in case of any
            thereof,  including  the  “Do’s  &  Don’ts”  received   adverse situation.
            from the Ministry with the guidelines.
                                                                Sanitizers/ hand wash are being kept at prominent
            During  the  period  of  lockdown,  units  have  been   places  in  the  offices  and  at  the  working  sites  for
            advised  to run the operational activities with     the employees to wash their hands frequently. The
            Skeletal  workforce,  and  similarly,  for  Non-works   Masks are distributed to each & every employee.  It
            category, the units have been advised  to prepare   is also ensured that these are invariably used by the
            rosters in such a way that 50% staff attends the office   employees.
            on alternate dates.
                                                                While on work, employees are advised to maintain
            Employees working from home have been instructed    social  distancing.  The employees have also been
            to be available on telephone and electronic means of   advised that to practice this at their houses and also
            communication at all times, and should be available   educate  their family members to maintain social
            in the headquarters to attend office, if called, for any   distancing.
            exigencies of work.
                                                                Since the door/window handles are said to be the
            The  Staff  &  Officers  at  Corporate  Office,  Bhilai,   causes of spreading the virus due to frequent use by
            have been advised to Work from Home, and should     different people, all the handles of doors/windows
            attend office, on exigencies, as & when required.   of the offices are frequently cleaned with sanitizers
                                                                in regular interval, to avoid  any possibility of
            Keeping in view the threat of spreading of the virus,   spreading of the deadly virus.
            and in accordance  with the instructions  received
            from the Ministry, FSNL has temporarily suspended   As  a temporary precautionary measure towards
            recording of attendance through Biometric Finger-   preventing spread of Corona virus, instructions have

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