Page 220 - ScopeCompendiumBook
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been issued to all concerned, to stop entry of outsiders/ As one of the measures of avoiding social contacting,
visitors in the offices & plants, till further orders. means of communication such as Internet,
WhatsApp, SMS etc. are being used extensively so
Awareness Campaigns
that necessary information reaches the concerned
“Do’s & Don’ts” received from the Ministry with the employees with desired results.
guidelines have been published on the website of
FSNL to create awareness among the employees as Further, the inter-departmental meetings, inter-
well as general public. unit meetings are being held through Video
conferencing only.
Employees are advised to avoid social contacting
and to communicate through other means of The official tours have been temporarily suspended
communication such as Internet, WhatsApp, SMS to ensure social distancing and employees are
etc. advised to make extensive use of electronic
communication means such as Telephone/ Mobile/
Any other Significant Measures taken by the Internet/ WhatsApp etc.
In adherence of the Government directives, the Based on the advice of the Ministry in the meeting
above instructions with regard to skeletal staff, held through Video conferencing on 8 April 2020,
staggered timing etc. are not made applicable to the all the employees have been advised to download
persons with Disabilities, and it is ensured that such the “Aarogya Setu” Application in their mobiles
category of employees should Work from Home, as well as on the mobiles of their family members,
without any compulsion to attend office. so that everyone can watch & know about the day-
to-day development in the area of fight against
Records of travel history of employees & their family the COVID-19, and receive all information about
members were obtained in a prescribed format from Government directives/instructions with regard to
all the employees. combating against the virus.
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