Page 22 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 22
exeCutive SuMMARy
Public Sector Enterprises instrumental in building a Self-Reliant,
Resurgent and Resilient India
Public Sector enterprises (PSes) have played a dominant role in
bringing transformational changes in the economy. They have evolved
with changing business times and have adapted themselves to the
need of economic and social conditions of the country thereby emerging
As PSEs continue to as strong, competitive and reliant global entities. As PSes continue
to progress and grow, their sustained contribution to the economic
progress and grow, and social fabric of the country has become even more relevant. They
their sustained have played a significant role in the growth trajectory of the country
and continue to contribute nearly 13% to the GDP based on turnover.
contribution to The prowess, performance and resilience shown during challenging
the economic and and critical times have further cemented the significant role in
India’s economic set-up. They have not only set new records of
social fabric of profitability, productivity and turnover but also contributed immensely
the country has to develop the social fabric of the country. They continue to register
positive growth in gross revenue from operations which has grown
become even more by over 18% in 2018-19 along with a growth of over 15% in net profit.
relevant. They have They display investor confidence wherein 56 PSEs command a market
capitalisation of nearly 10%.
played a significant
over time PSes have ensured their commercial viability along with social
role in the growth justice thereby leading to development of the country’s demography
trajectory of across all regions. While achieving excellence in the domestic markets
and making their dominant presence felt in the corporate sector, PSes
the country have moved beyond boundaries and are representing India globally.
and continue to
PSEs undeterred during the pandemic
contribute nearly
The crisis and challenge posed by coVID- 19 is unprecedented in scale
13% to the GDP as well as impact. Probably it is the first time in economic history that
based on turnover. the very actors of economy: owners of resources and capital, managers
and workers, service providers, exporters, importers, businessmen,
bankers and financiers, administrators and office staff, all came to a halt.
The pandemic brought to light a new focus for people - health & safety
rather than profit and income. In such strained times, role of Public
Sector magnified with the need to maintain seamless flow of essential
services so as to prevent artificial scarcity and ensuring supplies of
essentials reaching timely especially to the needy and migrants.
The sensitivity of the situation was analysed by the PSes and in no
time resources were mobilized. Public enterprises took a lead in