Page 23 - ScopeCompendiumBook
P. 23
Public Enterprises supplementing government’s effort to contain the spread of coVID-19
took a lead in by following all guidelines issued by the Ministries and Authorities and
discharging their social responsibility sincerely and effectively. They
supplementing made concerted efforts in forwarding the call of the Honorable Prime
Government’s Minister by supporting the needy, assisting the medical requirements
and contributing monetarily to the cause of supporting the nation to
effort to contain the deal with the pandemic.
spread of COVID-19 In this time of the pandemic, all PSes have displayed unique courage
and determination in holding the nation together. They have forwarded
by following all the vision of the Government and have led the recovery path and nation
guidelines issued building from the front. PSes support areas can be categorised into:
by the Ministries • Monetary support and contribution
and authorities and • Supporting the needy and migrants
• Strengthening medical infrastructure and facilities
discharging their • Creating awareness
social responsibility • Innovation and research to develop new products and processes
sincerely and • Other preventive measures
effectively. Monetary Support and Contribution
PSes have made voluntary contribution wholeheartedly to help the
country combat the pandemic. Maharatnas and Navratnas alone have
contributed close to 2,400 crore rupees to the PM cAReS Fund. The
Maharatnas and amount becomes further significant when combined with contributions
Navratnas alone have made by other PSes. This is besides large contributions made by PSes to
state specific CM Relief Funds and local administration.
contributed close to
In addition, PSes have contributed liberally to the social and medical
2,400 Crore Rupees to cause, awareness and protection, R&D and other programs to combat
the PM CARES Fund. the crisis. on humane grounds, salaries and payments were made to
all engaged by the fraternity in any capacity so as to support them
This amount becomes economically in such unusual times. Not only in urban areas, PSes also
further significant extended support to the villages and towns, local administration and
voluntary organisations to join hands with them in their fight against
when combined the crisis.
with contributions
Supporting the Needy and Migrants
made by other PSEs
The Public Sector fraternity played a critical role in supporting the
along with large migrants and the economically weaker section of the society. They
contributions made to ensured smooth supply of ration kits, food packets, grocery items,
drinking water, masks, gloves, sanitizers, napkins etc. in all possible
state CM Relief Funds. areas. In fact some PSes have achieved milestones in providing food
and health safety to the needy. oNGc, for instance distributed more
than 7.5 lakh cooked food packages through ISKcoN, Akshay Patra