Page 5 - In Focus Newsletter_June 2019_Neat
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Considerations for Student Graduation Support


                                                                Districts convening teams of educators,
                                                                community partners, students and other
                                                                stakeholders to identify students who may
                                                                be exhibiting signs of alterable risk factors
                                                                and assign interventions must consider a
                                                                number of factors to ensure that the
                                                                components of their system are responsive,
                                                                student centered and equitable. This
                                                                resource guide encourages educators to
                                                                consider the importance of universal
                                                                preventative supports, careful

     selection and analysis of data, and draw upon the perspectives and experience of individuals the
     system failed to support.

                                                V i e w   t h e   R e s o u r c e   G u i d e

    UAlbany School of Education Summer 2019 CTLE


    Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages & World Languages

                                                                The University at Albany School of Education
                                                                Academy for the Advancement of Teaching,
                                                                Leadership and Schools (AATLAS) is offering
                                                                CTLE this summer for Teaching English to
                                                                Speakers of Other Languages & World
                                                                Languages. Classes begin June 28-July 30 and
                                                                are fully online. Courses offered include
                                                                "Beyond Texting in the World Language
                                                                Classroom: Engaging in Real-World Reading,"

    "The SIOP Model: Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners," "Co-Teaching
    for English Language Learners," and "Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners." Enroll
    today at

                                                 V i e w   A v a i l a b l e   C o u r s e s
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