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Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                                    June 30, 2019 and 2018

               NOTE 5     DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN (continued)

                          Contributions (continued)

                          Contribution rates as of June 30, 2019 are:

                                Employee Category              Employee             Employer
                           General (Including Teachers)                6.7%                6.7%
                           Protective with Social Security             6.7%               10.7%
                           Protective without Social
                           Security                                    6.7%               14.9%

                          Pension  Liabilities,  Pension  Expense,  and  Deferred  Outflows  of  Resources  and
                          Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions
                          At June 30, 2019, the Authority reported a liability of $80,137 for its proportionate share
                          of the Net Pension Liability. The net pension liability was measured as of December 31,
                          2018,  and  the  Total  Pension  Liability  used  to  calculate  the  Net  pension  liability was
                          determined  by  an  actuarial  valuation  as  of  December  31,  2017  rolled  forward  to
                          December  31,  2018.  No  material  changes  in  assumptions  or  benefit  terms  occurred
                          between  the  actuarial  valuation  date  and  the  measurement  date. The  Authority’s
                          proportion of the net pension liability was based on the Authority’s share of contributions
                          to  the  pension plan  relative  to  the  contributions  of  all  participating  employers. At
                          December  31,  2018  the  Authority’s  proportion  was  0.00225253%,  which  was  an
                          increase of 0.0000513% from its proportion measured as of December 31, 2017.

                          For the year ended June 30, 2019 the Authority recognized pension expense of $54,459.

                          At  June  30,  2019,  the  Authority reported  deferred  outflows  of  resources  and  deferred
                          inflows of resources related to pensions from the following sources:

                                                                                Deferred           Deferred
                                                                                Outflows of        Inflows of
                                                                               Resources          Resources
                           Differences between projected and actual experience  $                 62,415  $               110,327
                           Net differences between projected and actual earnings
                             on pension plan investments                                     117,036                              -
                           Changes in assumptions                                              13,508                              -
                           Changes in proportion and differences between employer
                             contributions and proportionate share of contributions                          753                       1,439
                           Employer contributions subsequent to the
                             measurement date                                                  11,702                              -
                                Total                                       $               205,414  $               111,766

                          $11,702 reported as deferred outflows related to pension resulting from the Authority’s
                          contributions subsequent to the measurement date will be recognized as a reduction of
                          the net pension liability (asset) in the year ended June 30, 2019.

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