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P. 46


JEALOUSY, an inevitable instinct in human beings,                       Sanchit - XII ‘A’
is a green eyed monster which creeps into our lives
naturally or sometimes consciously, causing great suffering for

ourselves and for others. It is the meanest quality of mankind.
I don’t think that there is anybody on this earth who does not
experience this emotion but people who overcome this emotion
are really great in my eye because human failure to overcome j
ealously leads to ruined relationship, suffering for everyone involved

and even demoralization.

         Events from history offer a no. of examples how result in broken relationship.
Let take Cesare Borgia as an example of how dangerous jealously is to human. As
the oldest son of powerful pope alexander VI of Vatican, Cesare was said to have

everything from wealthy to land and power. Compared to his brother, however cease
himself felt inferior. He was sick of seeing his brother taking away more affection
from the pope as well as losing more important military duties and national honors to
him. In situation like this, it is human nature to feel jealous. But Cesare extreme envy
led him to kill his own brother. From the story, it is startling to see how jealousy can

make people do crazy things and turn brotherhood into rivalry, degrading moral
values and causing agony to everyone.

         Now let take a look at modern day society where jealousy prevails in the
highest form. Whether it may be a small cabin of an officer or a school congested

classroom envious attitude of people towards each other makes working condition
quite uncomfortable and if even then, a person manages to put his best foot forward,
there are so many jealous people to bog him down. Why can’t we just give our best
in whatever we do and be happy with our performance why is there a need to
compare ourselves with others and feel jealous?

         Jealously brings with it a state of suffering and anxiety. If not kept in check, it
can adversely affect a person behavior and change his entire personality. Jealously in
small forms is common in all of us but its extreme form can make a person do
despicable things like stealing cheatings, lying etc. it can turn a person life into hell

by making him lose his peace of mind. Extreme jealously is nothing else but an
invitation to frustration and tension.

         There are so many evidences for negative effects of jealously but can
jealously but can jealously ever be good things? instead of being a path for

depression, can jealously ever bring a wave of satisfaction in someone life? Well this
is hard to believe but I do think jealously in small doses can be helpful in a no. of
ways like it can help us to recognize our feelings towards a person. If we are
possessive about our near and dear ones, we surly feel jealously when they give
much time to someone else and it shows that we love them.
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