Page 52 - MMPS School e magzine_Neat
P. 52


"Don't get embarrassed by failures,

learn from them and start again!"

To many, success seems to come                  CHETNA MY SCHOOL  GUNJAN
suddenly. When you observe others                                      XII B
and what they have achieved you usually

don't appreciate what it has taken for               Oh! Our M. M. Public School,

them to get where they are . Ultimately, in          Sec-4

failure to do this you also fail to learn what       You are our education pool

it would take for you to attain the same             We get a lot of knowledge

level of achievement and success.                    here,

But, if you take the time to truly think             We cannot get this much any

about it , you will find that success is             Where, You are a temple of

usually only a small step away. Yet despite          wisdom,

that it eluded most people. It is always so          Strict but lovely kingdom, All

near and yet so far . Together, they added           the teachers are very nice,

up to thousands of small Steps.                      All of them are clever and wise

There are also obstacles along the way.              Principal ma'am is the best,

But with each step we are overcome                   She works for School without

Success is no mystery, it take only one              rest. Our school, you are very

small step to succeed.                               fine,

As the Chinese philosopher lao- tzu said             You are

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin            actually Gurugram‟s shine

with a single step". "Action is the

foundation key to all success!“

OH MOTHER! MY MOTHER!                                FULL FORM OF TEACHER
Oh mother! My mother;
You always take care of other. Nothing is possible   T = errific
without you;                                         E = mpathetic
You always help me to make my dream come true.       A = mazing
You are my support system; You follow every custom.  C = onspiring
Taking care is your best part;                       H = enlightening
I love you mother from the bottom of my heart.

                                                     R = eliable  Sanchit

Angel                                                             VA
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