Page 461 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 461

c10competitive markets applications.qxd  7/15/10  4:58 PM  Page 435

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    435
                      10.22. Consider a market with an upward-sloping sup-  much would farmers want to supply at a price of $15 per
                      ply curve and a downward-sloping demand curve. Under  unit? How much would the government need to pay
                      a government purchase program, which of the following  farmers in order for them to voluntarily restrict their out-
                      statements are true, and which are false?       put of sorghum to the level demanded at $15 per unit?
                      (a) The increase in producer surplus will exceed the size
                      of the government expenditure.
                      (b) Consumer surplus will increase.                   50
                      (c) The size of the government expenditure will exceed
                      the size of the deadweight loss.
                      10.23. The market demand for sorghum is given by
                      Q   500   10P , while the market supply curve is given
                      by Q   40P . The demand and supply curves are shown
                      at right. The government would like to increase the in-
                      come of farmers and is considering two alternative gov-
                      ernment interventions: an acreage limitation program                              S
                      and a government purchase program.
                      a) What is the equilibrium market price in the absence                            D
                      of government intervention?                             0                        500
                      b) The government’s goal is to increase the price of
                      sorghum to $15 per unit. This is the support price. How  c) Fill in the following table for the acreage limitation
                      much would be demanded at a price of $15 unit? How  program:

                                                                           With Acreage
                                                  With No Program        Limitation Program     Impact of Program
                       Consumer surplus
                       Producer surplus
                       Impact on the
                       government budget
                       Net benefits (consumer
                       surplus   producer
                       surplus  government
                       Deadweight loss
   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466