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                  482                   CHAPTER 11   MONOPOLY AND MONOPSONY

                  P   $120   2Q. The size of its sunk cost is $600. The firm   marginal cost is 10 for the first 15 units (MC   10 when
                  expects the conditions of demand and cost to continue in  0 	 Q 	 15). If it wants to produce more than 15 units,
                  the foreseeable future.                          it must pay overtime wages to its workers, and its mar-
                  a) What is the firm’s profit if it operates and it maximizes  ginal cost is then 20. What is the maximum amount of
                  profit?                                          profit the firm can earn?
                  b) Should the firm continue to operate in the short run,  11.14. A monopolist faces the demand function  P
                  or should it shut down? Explain.                 100   Q   I, where I is average consumer income in the
                                                                   monopolist’s market. Suppose we know that the monop-
                  11.8.  A monopolist operates with a fixed cost and a
                  variable cost. Part of the fixed cost is sunk, and part  olist’s marginal cost function is not downward sloping. If
                  nonsunk. How will the sunk and nonsunk fixed costs af-  consumer income goes up, will the monopolist charge a
                  fect the firm’s decisions as it tries to maximize profit in  higher price, a lower price, or the same price?
                  the short run?                                   11.15.  Two monopolists in different markets have
                  11.9.  Under what conditions will a profit-maximizing  identical, constant marginal cost functions.
                  monopolist and a revenue-maximizing monopolist set  a) Suppose each faces a linear demand curve and the two
                  the same price?                                  curves are parallel. Which monopolist will have the
                                                                   higher markup (ratio of P to MC): the one whose de-
                  11.10.  Assume that a monopolist sells a product with  mand curve is closer to the origin or the one whose de-
                  the cost function C   F   20Q, where C is total cost, F  mand curve is farther from the origin?
                  is a fixed cost, and Q is the level of output. The inverse
                  demand function is P   60   Q, where P is the price in  b) Suppose their linear demand curves have identical
                  the market. The firm will earn zero economic profit  vertical intercepts but different slopes. Which monopo-
                  when it charges a price of 30 (this is not the price that  list will have a higher markup: the one with the flatter
                  maximizes profit). How much profit does the firm earn  demand curve or the one with the steeper demand curve?
                  when it charges the price that maximizes profit?  c)  Suppose their linear demand curves have identical
                                                                   horizontal intercepts but different slopes. Which
                  11.11.  Assume that a monopolist sells a product with a  monopolist will have a higher markup: the one with the
                  total cost function TC   1,200   0.5Q and a correspond-  flatter demand curve or the one with the steeper de-
                  ing marginal cost function MC   Q. The market demand  mand curve?
                  curve is given by the equation P   300   Q.
                                                                   11.16.  Suppose a monopolist faces the market demand
                  a) Find the profit-maximizing output and price for this
                  monopolist. Is the monopolist profitable?        function P   a   bQ. Its marginal cost is given by MC
                                                                   c   eQ. Assume that a   c and 2b   e   0.
                  b) Calculate the price elasticity of demand at the monop-
                  olist’s profit-maximizing price. Also calculate the mar-  a) Derive an expression for the monopolist’s optimal
                  ginal cost at the monopolist’s profit-maximizing output.  quantity and price in terms of a, b, c, and e.
                  Verify that the IEPR holds.                      b) Show that an increase in c (which corresponds to an
                                                                   upward parallel shift in marginal cost) or a decrease in
                  11.12. A monopolist faces a demand curve P   210   4Q  a (which corresponds to a leftward parallel shift in de-
                  and initially faces a constant marginal cost MC   10.  mand) must decrease the equilibrium quantity of output.
                  a) Calculate the profit-maximizing monopoly quantity  c) Show that when e 
 0, an increase in a must increase
                  and compute the monopolist’s total revenue at the opti-  the equilibrium price.
                  mal price.
                  b) Suppose that the monopolist’s marginal cost increases  11.17.  Suppose a monopolist has the demand function
                  to MC   20. Verify that the monopolist’s total revenue  Q   1,000P  . What is the monopolist’s optimal
                  goes down.                                       markup of price above marginal cost?
                  c)  Suppose that all firms in a perfectly competitive  11.18.  Suppose a monopolist has an inverse demand
                  equilibrium had a constant marginal cost  MC   10.  function given by P   100Q  1/2 . What is the monopo-
                  Find the long-run perfectly competitive industry price  list’s optimal markup of price above marginal cost?
                  and quantity.
                  d) Suppose that all firms’ marginal costs increased to   11.19.  The marginal cost of preparing a large latte in a
                                                                   specialty coffee house is $1. The firm’s market research
                  MC   20. Verify that the increase in marginal cost causes  reveals that the elasticity of demand for its large lattes is
                  total industry revenue to go up.
                                                                   constant, with a value of about  1.3. If the firm wants to
                  11.13.  A monopolist serves a market in which the   maximize profit from the sale of large lattes, about what
                  demand is P   120   2Q. It has a fixed cost of 300. Its  price should the firm charge?
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