Page 552 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
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                  526                   CHAPTER 12   CAPTURING SURPLUS
                  passengers on a cruise of a given length and P denotes  described by P 1   100   0.2Q 1 , where Q 1 is the number
                  the price per day. The marginal cost of serving a pas-  of advance purchase tickets sold at a price of P 1 . The de-
                  senger of either type is $40 per person per day.  mand schedule for tickets by day-of-travel excursions is
                  Assuming the cruise line can price discriminate, what is  represented by P 2   200   0.8Q 2 , where Q 2 is the num-
                  the profit-maximizing  number of passengers of each  ber of tickets sold at a price of P 2 .
                  type? What is the profit-maximizing price for each type  a) Suppose the marginal cost of the ferry trip and use of
                  of passenger?                                    beach is 50 per customer. What prices should the firm
                                                                   charge for its excursion tickets?
                  12.24.  An airline has 200 seats in the coach portion of
                  the cabin of an Airbus A340. It is attempting to determine  b) If the marginal cost were high enough, the firm would
                  how many seats it should sell to business travelers and  want to sell fewer than 200 tickets. Suppose the marginal
                  how many to vacation travelers on a flight between  cost of the ferry trip and use of beach is 80 per customer.
                  Chicago and Dubai that departs on Monday morning,  What prices should the firm charge for its beach excur-
                  January 25. It has tentatively decided to sell 150 seats to  sion tickets?
                  business travelers and 50 seats to vacation travelers at  12.27.  You are the only European firm selling vacation
                  $4,000 and $1,000, respectively. It also knows:  trips to the North Pole. You know only three customers
                  a) To sell an additional seat it sells to business travelers, it  are in the market. You offer two services, round trip air-
                  would need to reduce price by $25. To reduce demand by  fare and a stay at the Polar Bear Hotel. It costs you 300
                  business travelers by one seat, it would need to increase  euros to host a traveler at the Polar Bear and 300 euros
                  price by $25.                                    for the airfare. If you do not bundle the services, a cus-
                  b) To reduce demand by one unit among vacation travel-  tomer might buy your airfare but not stay at the hotel. A
                  ers, it would need to increase price by $5. To sell an ad-  customer could also travel to the North Pole in some
                  ditional seat to vacation travelers, it would need to reduce  other way (by private plane), but still stay at the Polar
                  price by $5.                                     Bear. The customers have the following reservation
                                                                   prices for these services:
                  Assuming that the marginal cost of carrying either type
                  of passenger is zero, is the current allocation of seats
                  profit maximizing? If not, would you sell more seats to    Reservation Prices (in euros)
                  business travelers or vacation travelers?
                                                                             Customer   Airfare   Hotel
                  12.25.  A summer theater has a capacity of 200 seats
                  for its Saturday evening concerts. The marginal cost of       1         100     800
                  admitting a spectator is zero up to that capacity. The        2         500     500
                  theater wants to maximize profits and recognizes that         3         800     100
                  there are two kinds of customers. It offers discounts to
                  senior citizens and students, who generally are more  a) If you do not bundle the hotel and airfare, what are the
                  price sensitive than other customers. The demand curve  optimal prices P A and P H , and what profits do you earn?
                  for tickets by seniors and students is described by P 1    b) If you only sell the hotel and airfare in a bundle, what
                  16   0.04Q 1 , where Q 1 is the number of discount tickets  is the optimal price of the bundle P B , and what profits do
                  sold at a price of P 1 . The demand schedule for tickets by  you earn?
                  customers who do not qualify for a discount is repre-  c) If you follow a strategy of mixed bundling, what are
                  sented by P 2   28   0.1Q 2 , where Q 2 is the number of  the optimal prices of the separate hotel, the separate air-
                  nondiscount tickets sold at a price of P 2 . What are the  fare, and the bundle (P A , P H , and P B , respectively) and
                  two prices that would maximize profit for the Saturday  what profits do you earn?
                  evening concerts?
                                                                   12.28.  You operate the only fast-food restaurant in
                  12.26.  A small island near a major city has a beautiful  town, selling burgers and fries. There are only two cus-
                  beach. The company that owns the island sells day passes  tomers, one of whom is on the Atkins diet and the other
                  for the beach, including travel by ferry to and from the  on the Zone diet, whose willingness to pay for each item
                  beach. Because the beach is small, the company does not  is displayed in the following table. For simplicity, assume
                  want to sell more than 200 excursion tickets per day. The  you have zero fixed and marginal costs for each item.
                  company knows there are two kinds of visitors: those who
                  are willing to buy tickets a month in advance and those  Customers  Burger  Fries  Burger and Fries
                  who want to buy on the day of the trip. Those willing to
                  buy in advance are typically more price sensitive. The  Atkins dieters  $8  $x     $(8   x)
                  demand curve for advance purchase excursion tickets is  Zone dieters  $5  $3         $8
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