Page 35 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
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Salute to Nursing...                                                                     Sponsored by the

                                                                                  Fritzner Polynice, LPN
                           CATHOLIC HOSPICE, INC

                                                                                   Fritzner Polynice has been a Licensed Practical Nurse for
        Elizabeth Leon Rodriguez, RN, BSN                                         twenty-two years at Catholic Hospice. He graduated from
                                                                                  Sheridan Technical School, worked as a continuous care
          Elizabeth Leon Rodriguez was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico.                nurse, and is currently an On-call Night Nurse. Fritzner is
        She obtained her Nursing bachelor’s degree and graduated                  dedicated to serving the terminally ill, and he takes pride in
        from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. She held              answering emergency calls, providing pain management, and
        several healthcare positions in Puerto Rico as a RN in ER,                assisting families with the dying process. He said, “Hospice
        Telemetry Unit, Post Open Heart Unit, Hospice and as a                    is the most wonderful thing that can happen to anyone; hos-
        Nurse Coordinator at Ponce School of Medicine. In Florida                 pice is the best care that one could have at the end-of-life if they have the right nurse
        she worked as a Nurse Manager at Florida Center for                       and clinical team.” Fritzner was recently recognized as the 2021 Best of the Best
        Allergies & Asthma Care. She has been working with                        Licensed Practical Nurse of the Year Award at the Annual Employee Recognition
        Catholic Hospice for five years as the Case Manager for the Pearl Team in Broward   Awards Ceremony.
        County. She recently received the 2021 Registered Nurse of the Year Award at the
        Annual Employee Recognition Awards Ceremony. “As a Hospice Nurse, I can help       CATHOLIC PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES
        patients feel more comfortable and improve their overall quality of life by providing
        physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support for patients and their families and
        I Love It!” said Rodriguez.                                               Yusneisy Caraballoso, ARPN

        Ronyd Sanchez Fernandez, RN                                                Yusneisy Caraballoso is a family nurse practitioner work-
                                                                                  ing at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center under the lead-
          Ronyd Sanchez Fernandez is an Admissions Registered                     ership of Sanaz Kashan, M.D., Associate Medical Director,
        Nurse and works in Miami-Dade and Broward. He received                    Catholic Palliative Care Services. Completing her Bachelor of
        his education from the International Institute for Healthcare             Science in Nursing in 2011 and her Master of Science in
        Professionals and a Doctor of Medicine from the University                2015 at Barry University, Caraballoso has dedicated her work
        of Guantanamo, Cuba. Born in Cuba and raised in South                     to the hospice field both locally and nationally. She is known
        Florida, Ronyd comes with vast experience as a Registered                 for the vital role she plays in helping patients and families
        Nurse. Ronyd has clinical experience from Integral Home                   connect with services throughout the course of their dis-
        Health and was a physician at the Diagnostic and Treatment                eases. Her helping and guiding of others with difficult end of life choices and deci-
        Center in Caracas, Venezuela. He also has wound care expertise and has worked as   sions for loved ones is unparalleled. She has been recognized by the South Florida
        an Admissions Nurse for five years. Ronyd was recently recognized as the 2021 Best   Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Miguel de Cervantes Awards in 2020, and the 2021
        of the Best Admissions Nurse of the Year Award at the Annual Employee Recognition   Nurse Practitioner of the Year Award at the Annual Employee Recognition Awards
        Awards Ceremony.                                                          Ceremony.

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