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Cover Story: South University: A Look at Flourishing Nursing Education from Both Sides
Continued from page 1 She has been a faculty mem- Theory and Practice Learning memory disorders and dealing with health
lence, didactic skills, and ber for three years and the And that engagement and rigor with fac- needs during the aging process. That expe-
research insight are a vital culture of inclusive and inte- ulty/student is what intrigues South’s 8- rience plus her advocacy for Alzheimer’s,
ingredient to mentor stu- grated learning is what keeps year tenured Professor, Sharon Ramjohn, home-bound seniors and COVID vaccina-
dents and guide them on her there. PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, who loves the satis- tions for healthcare workers, prompted her
their educational paths. “Because of its mission faction of mentoring students but can’t to return to nursing school so that she
and size, South offers the imagine giving up her bedside nursing could increase engagement in direct
Faculty Engagement rigor of a larger university passion. As a continuing practicing nurse, patient care. South offered her an acceler-
Susan Hamley, Ph.D., and the intimacy and per- she brings not only the academic creden- ated opportunity in the initial prerequisite
R.N., is a model of her South sonal attention of a commu- tials to her students but the currency of studies to speed her educational nursing
faculty colleagues’ attributes. nity-sized program with technology and realism that on-going bed- journey.
She is an Assistant Professor highly integrated engage- side nursing brings to the profession. Her Excited after her first day of clinicals,
in the College of Nursing Shayna Adaniel ment among students, differ- philosophy is that by sharing her clinical she values the mutual benefits of brighten-
BSN Program who started ent cohorts, and the faculty,” and academic competency she can connect ing the day of patients who had limited to
on her professional career in a small com- Hamley explained. theory with practice for her students. no visiting privileges during the pandemic
munity college as a homeless mother of “I can match a face with any student “Most of our students are technically to observing and participating with staff in
two small children. Throughout the years name I’ve engaged with and can help my savvy, particularly having survived the rig- the fulfillment of her own career dreams
she earned a BSN (cum laude) from students recognize how their personal ors of virtual learning during the pandem- and goals. While her clinicals will provide
Florida Gulf Coast University and Master interests and strengths match with a vari- ic,” she explained, “so my fundamental opportunities to shadow in public health,
of Science in Health Law (magna cum ety of career options that will satisfy their value-add advice is never stop learning women’s health, psychiatry and med-surg
laude) from Nova Southeastern University. intellectual, professional and human-inter- during your hands-on nursing experience nursing, currently during her second quar-
After the tragic loss of one of her daugh- est needs,” she said. “I always share my after graduation.” ter at South she is still leaning toward geri-
ters, she returned to her clinical roots and experiences as a working mom, a pediatric “My students love to hear my personal atric specialty care.
expanded her educational experience with nurse, a school nurse caring for hi-risk stu- stories of work but also need to learn not “I appreciate the personal interaction
a Doctor of Science in Nursing from Barry dents, managing eldercare, and providing only how to care for patients, but also how between faculty members and students
University. in-the-field care for homebound patients, to balance work/school and family life. both within my own cohort and with other
Hamley came to South University after to expose them to the variety of clinical Many are recent high school graduates, but students. In fact, my best friend is enrolled
her oldest daughter graduated from the specialties within our profession, no mat- our diverse student body includes career here and is six months ahead of me, so we
School of Nursing, because her experience ter what their life experiences have been. transitioning and return-to-school share experiences, likes and dislikes, prac-
in the local health care environment led In addition, there are administrative and parent/students,” she said. tical and personal advice to build morale
her to appreciate the respect the university academic options to explore. In fact, nurs- Holding an array of undergraduate and and knowledge to succeed in our goals.”
held among area health care professionals. ing chose me … not vice versa,” she said. graduate nursing degrees, Dr. Ramjohn’s An extremely low attrition rate among
doctoral dissertation focused on the value faculty (mostly due to retirement) is proof
of mentoring novice students, practition- that South’s culture works. Both Ramjohn
ers and faculty and the resilience of nurs- and Hamley, agree “Impacting lives at the
ing educators. Experienced in medical-sur- bedside and in the classroom doesn’t feel
gical, research, simulation and public like work.”
health, rehabilitative and academic nurs- Ramjohn has experienced fulfillment
ing she not only instills her work ethic in watching her former students succeed in
her students, but obviously in her own passing boards, working as charge nurses
children having raised a son and daughter in local hospitals and populating the
who entered the legal and teaching profes- pipeline of the nursing profession on clin-
sions. ical, academic and administrative paths.
Hamley relates to her students‘ uncertain-
A Career Transition ties and enjoys helping them erase those
Shayna Adaniel, a career transitioning doubts by sharing her own professional
student, has studied with both professors history and satisfaction with personal
in her South experience. Raised in a health choices. And, Adaniel has found her niche
career-oriented family, she planned to be a as an advocate for the aging Florida popu-
nurse but switched and earned her initial lation, and; is anxious to convert her pro-
Bachelor degree in social work. She fessional experiences in the allied health
enjoyed client engagement with youth and community to direct patient care, thanks
seniors recovering and enduring eating or to her South education.
36 May 2022 South Florida Hospital News