P. 38
On National Healthcare Decisions Day,
Americans’ Momentum for End-of-Life
Planning Slows As Pandemic Wanes
Although more Americans are report- Seeing this, I can’t overstate the impor- advance care planning conversations.
ing that they have documented their tance of advance care planning (ACP) Americans report, however, that HCPs
wishes and values for end-of-life care, and advance directives. ACP allows are not raising the issue.
there are signals that this upward trend patients to make their preferences Research published by the American
could reverse. As fears and restrictions known early, and knowing a patient’s Geriatrics Society in 2018 showed that
related to the COVID-19 pandemic ease, wishes for end-of-life care ensures care 99% of physicians believe it is important
and as the death toll declines, Americans aligns with their goals and values while to have end-of-life care conversations,
are also reporting they are now less likely also relieving the burden on families to yet only 29% report having formal train-
to discuss or document their plan for make critical medical decisions on behalf ing to equip them. To educate and
end-of-life care, compared to a year ago. of their loved ones.” empower healthcare professionals, such
The findings come from a new nation- Among the survey’s key highlights is as nurses, nurse practitioners and physi-
wide study commissioned by VITAS the increased openness to advance care cians to have conversations with patients
Healthcare. planning reported by Black Americans, about their end-of-life care, VITAS is
The poll reveals new insights on trends the undeniable role of healthcare profes- launching a preceptorship and certificate
among different generations and sionals in initiating end-of-life conversa- program. To be introduced at the upcom-
ethnic/racial groups, as well as the cur- tions, and the need for more open and ing National Black Nurses Association
rent – and potential – role healthcare frank discussions about patients’ wishes Annual Conference in July, the program
professionals play in discussing and doc- concerning their care. includes education modules on a variety
umenting one’s wishes and values for The survey’s findings include: of topics, such as prognostication, hos-
end-of-life care. • An increase in the number of people pice basics, and how to start the advance
“The pandemic has, unfortunately, documenting their wishes, which corre- care planning conversation sensitively
brought death to the doorsteps of many sponds to last year’s uptick in openness and respectfully with open-ended ques-
Americans. Compared to 2021, we see to advance care planning. But waning tions. It also includes practice scenarios
that more people report having docu- interest in advance care planning may where participants can get feedback on
mented their end-of-life wishes, which is mean that upward trend will vanish. actual conversations with patients.
a positive sign,” said Dr. Joseph Shega, • However, the trend may not be van-
VITAS executive vice president and chief ishing across the board. Interest in Patients and families can download
medical officer. “However, we are also advance care planning has risen among Thinking About Hospice, a discussion guide
seeing a decline in indication that those Black Americans, who have been dispro- for families, available in English, Spanish,
who have not yet documented their portionately affected by COVID-19. Mandarin, Vietnamese and Tagalog at
plans will do so, possibly tied to a • Healthcare professionals (HCPs)
COVID-19 reprieve on the horizon. continue to be imperative in starting
next month in
South Florida Hospital News
and Healthcare Report...
• Annual Healthcare Hurricane
Planning Guide
• Annual Salute to Emergency Medicine
• Emergency Department Trends and
Challenges/Trauma Medicine
• Disaster Planning – Preparedness
• Healthcare Real Estate Update -
Mid 2022 Update
• Eldercare Advances in South Florida
• Healthcare Staffing Challenges
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38 May 2022 South Florida Hospital News