Page 19 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 19

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                 Thhank ou Dooctorrs

                    South     Floorida depends  on your expertisse                     and    excellentt, compassionatee car               e

                    for hope  and healing. Onn National Doctorrs Day                       , we say     ,  “Thank you”       —   foor your

                    dedication to your patients and their looved ones and  for making themm f                                           e                           l e
                    welcomee, safe and commforted. W                       e   apppr  eciate you tooday and everyy day                     .
                    From all o                           ealth, Happy Doct                    !
                                of us at Baptist He
                                                                                  tors Day
                      om all oof us at Baptist Heealth Happy Docttors Day!

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               March 2022                          19
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