Page 22 - SFHN MARCH 2022
P. 22


              next month in                                                                  UHEALTH

              South Florida
             Hospital News                     Hayley Gershengorn, MD
             and Healthcare                        Dr. Hayley Gershengorn’s expertise as professor and medical director of data quality analytics and
                  Report...                    critical care quality at the University of Miami Health System has been tested during COVID-19.

                                                 Her involvement in creating many of UHealth’s inpatient policies and procedures helped ensure care

                                               could be delivered efficiently and safely. Dr. Gershengorn further led several research projects using

                  •Healthcare                  data from COVID-19 patients engaged with UHealth to understand how policies and patient-specific
                                               factors impact outcomes.
                  Volunteerism                   “The best part of my job is the people I get to work with—my patients, their families, and world-
                                               wide colleagues,” Dr. Gershengorn said. “Without them, I would never have managed the stresses of
                in South Florida
                                               this pandemic.”
                  • Healthcare                   Dr. Gershengorn continues her fifth year at UHealth, focusing on her research that leverages real-world practice to identify
                                               optimal strategies to deliver safe and effective care. Her other focus is to advance in hospital leadership to optimize health care
           Consulting/Outsourcing              delivery.
                • Insurance for
                                               Stephanie Brown, MD

                 Professionals,                  As associate professor and director of the Internal Medicine Residency program at the University of
                                               Miami/Jackson Health System, Dr. Stephanie Brown is heavily involved with leadership, Infection
            Businesses, Consumers              Control, and various hospitals to ensure adequate resident staffing and optimal workflow for their
                                               COVID-19 patients.
              •Organ and Tissue
                                                 Dr. Brown transitions her passion for academic medicine from the frontlines to her research involv-
             Donation Awareness                ing debriefing trainees in the ICU during COVID-19 while focusing on educational research and the
                                               intersection of gender and race in education and medicine.

                                                 “I love medicine’s ever-changing ways based on political and social landscapes and the evolution of
              For more information             science,” Dr. Brown said. “It is a field where personal and system improvement is a constant process
                on advertising and             but still enjoyable.”
            editorial opportunities, call        Dr. Brown looks forward to continuing her leadership roles in education and clinical operations
                                               while creating a premier center to transition youth with special health care needs to adult services by age 18.
              (561) 368-6950 today!

                                                                             E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to

                                                                                        Care. Compassion. Dedication.

                                                                                           Thank you for your service.

                                                                                                        Medicine is a special calling. We are inspired
                                                                                                        daily by the remarkable passion, dedication and
                                                                                                        professionalism of the physicians who comprise our
                                                                                                            PHPEHU PHGLFDO VWDʏ  7KH\ DOO OHDYH D ODVWLQJ
                                                                                                        LPSDFW RQ WKH OLYHV WKH\ WRXFK

                                                                                                        We are grateful for all you do for the children we are
                                                                                                        SULYLOHJHG WR VHUYH  7KLV 'RFWRUşV 'D\  DQG DOZD\V
                                                                                                        we thank you.

                                                                                                       Happy Doctors’ Day!
                                                                                                       You can make a donation in honor of your doctor and
                                                                                                       PDNH D GLƱHUHQFH LQ WKH OLIH RI D FKLOG DW WKH VDPH WLPH
                                                                                                       7R GRQDWH YLVLW or
                                                                                                       text MIAMIKIDS to 24365

         22                       March 2022                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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