P. 2

                                                 Publisher’s Note
              next month in                      Publisher’s Note
             South Florida

            Hospital News
           and Healthcare                                                We “Got” Kitchen!

                                                 To paraphrase President Gerald Ford in his 1974 Inaugural Address,

                                                the “Felix long domestic nightmare is over.” You see since October 2019

           Financial, Legal and                 (yep – more than 20 months ago), we’ve been lacking a relatively impor-
                                                tant room in our house … a kitchen.
                                                 I won’t go into too much detail, but an unknown kitchen pipe leak
              Professionals in
                                                caused more damage than we could have ever imagined. And while we
                 Healthcare                     powered through mold and mildew and the resulting mitigation, the nec-
                   Advances in                  essary demolition, and  the temporary kitchen in our garage, like domi-
           Medical Technology                   nos more damage was discovered. And don’t even get me started on deal-
                                                ing with insurance and trying to come to some type of equitable settle-
                & Medicine
                                                ment, so we could begin the actual restoration.
              Medical Tourism
                                                 But I have to say we lived through it pretty well, only escaping with Gabby the Wonder Dog during a particularly
             Bundled Payments                   hairy week when they were demoing our tile floors and laying new ones. (And for once, we were glad that Gabby is
             – Navigating the                   totally deaf now and didn’t have to listen to all the banging and scraping.)  Overall, for more than a year and a half,
                Challenges to                   there were relatively few Felix temper tantrums, way too many Uber Eats charges and paper plates (even for a pandem-
                    Success                     ic), and all my Zoom meetings continued relatively undisturbed.  And since we’ve worked in our home office since the
                                                newspaper’s inception almost 18 years ago and had the pandemic, we’ve definitely lived through every single moment of


                                                 So, this past weekend as we unpacked our boxes of kitchen paraphernalia
              For more information
                                                into our new cabinets and drawers and used our new dishwasher for the very
                on advertising and              first time, we took some time to reflect and wondered did we really NEED a       Charles Felix
            editorial opportunities, call       kitchen??
              (561) 368-6950 today!

                                                     You can reach Charles Felix at

         2                         June 2021                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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