Page 33 - SFHN March 2018
P. 33

Cover Story: Danna-Gracey:

        Providing Premier Medical Malpractice                                                             Let’s Connect:

        Advice to South Florida Providers
                                                                                                          SFHEF Spotlight

        Continued from page 1               medical malpractice insurance compa-
        employee benefits.                  nies and agencies are alike and that it
          “We are seeing and predicting a much  doesn’t matter who you purchase cover-                  March 2018
        more difficult market for doctors   age from.
        throughout Florida because of this deci-  “They think that it’s just an insurance
        sion,” adds Gracey. “We are counseling  policy and all insurers are basically the  Haroula Protopapadakis
        doctors now to focus on the quality of  same. This couldn’t be further from the  MEMBER-AT-LARGE
        their malpractice insurance carrier’s  truth,” says Gracey. “During good times  2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
        financial conditions.”              for doctors’ malpractice insurance like
          In a blog post Gracey wrote on his  we had for the last 10-12 years, providers  Haroula Protopapadakis was born and raised in
        company’s website, he recommends that  have been able to be insured with very  South Florida. Growing up her mother worked in
        physicians take these five action steps:  small and fragile insurers with less risk.  healthcare, and she always wanted to emulate that
          1. Review your insurance coverage and  Now that the market is changing this  and also have a career in healthcare. Haroula
        determine if your insurer is financially  will not be the case.”          attended Nova Southeastern University where she
        secure enough to last through some    Another misconception is that many  received a Bachelor in Business Administration
        years of deteriorating financial results.  providers believe that all insurance com-  and a Masters in Business Administration with a
        Gracey predicts many of the A.M. Best  panies handle claims the same way.  concentration in Healthcare.
        unrated insurers and small risk retention  Many carriers, particularly the smaller  Haroula is a Fellow of the American College of  Haroula Protopapadakis
        groups (RRGs) will fail in the next five  ones, are not as financially sound and  Healthcare Executives.
        years or be forced to sell to the larger  settle all or the vast majority of their  Haroula began her career in healthcare when
        insurers. For those insured with captives  cases. They will even settle the defensi-  she was in college working at Memorial Regional
        and assessable RRGs, he recommends to  ble ones because they don’t want to  Hospital in the Admitting and Registration department. She then worked in the
        consider switching coverage to the more  spend money on the legal fees.   pharmaceutical sales industry. Haroula returned to the Memorial system working
        financially stable carriers.          “Doctors don’t get good advice and  as the Director of Business Development and Physician Relations for Memorial
          2. Consider increasing your policy  never look behind the marketing of some  South, Memorial Rehabilitation Institute, and then Memorial Regional Hospital
        limits of liability since there are now no  of these insurers to see what happens  for several years before being promoted to her current role as the Associate
        limits on non-economic damages that  when they have a claim,” says Gracey. “It  Administrator of Memorial Regional Hospital.
        can be awarded in Florida.          can go very differently depending who you  In this role she oversees many support departments in the facility including
          3. Get serious about risk manage-  have a claim with. Some physicians also  security, telecommunications, central services, transportation, food and nutrition
        ment—it works. Many insurers offer for  think they need to consent to a settle-  services, environmental services, volunteer services, valet and parking, the fitness
        free very comprehensive in-office assess-  ment.”                         center, cardiac and pulmonary rehab, and patient and family centered care. She
        ments and a wide array of best practice  Some carriers give their insurers a right  also oversees the Division of Neurosciences for the healthcare system.
        recommendations, as well as astute arti-  to consent to any settlement 100 percent  Haroula loves working for Memorial Healthcare System. She truly believes in
        cles on cutting edge ways to reduce your  of the time; some give partial consent; and  the mission and vision of her organization and the vital role Memorial plays in
        risk of being sued.                 some give no ability to consent at all. In  delivering high level quality care, and comprehensive services and programs to
          4. Polish your communication skills.  this case, the insurance company holds all  the community.
        Poor skills lead to unhappy patients and  of the power to consent to settle any  Throughout her employment at Memorial, Haroula has donated to and volun-
        lawsuits. Remember that patients do not  claims against their insured doctors.   teered her time with many different organizations such as United Way, American
        care how much you know until they     “There is a vast difference and most fail  Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, Broward County Schools, the
        know how much you care, as Sir William  to ask that question, which is why they  Memorial Foundation, and the Epilepsy Foundation of South Florida. In 2018
        Osler so wisely said.               need to ask good questions,” notes Gracey.  she was elected to the South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum as a Member-
          5. Review and update your asset pro-  That’s why Danna-Gracey works closely  at-Large.
        tection now, not after you have been  with their clients to identify insurance
        sued.                               needs specific to their medical specialties
          Danna-Gracey has had great success as  and practices. Their personalized client
        a specialist in the medical malpractice  attention, complete independence so their
        arena by simply giving doctors good  loyalty is with their clients and their com-
        advice such as the points above.    mand of the insurance marketplace enable
          “Doctors are much smarter than we  them to effectively negotiate competitive
        are,” says Gracey. “But we have more  rates and coverage – even with the top car-            Visit us on the web at
        knowledge about malpractice insurance  riers.
        policies and other coverages that they  “Doctors are knowledge based people
        carry. We have the information that they  and they deserve to make good decisions
        don’t have. As a firm, we try to give them  by having all the information or by finding
        as much information as we can about  a specialist that they can trust,” says
        our knowledge of coverage so they can  Gracey.
        make much better decisions than if they
        had no knowledge.”                               For more information, visit
          One misconception that Gracey often         
        sees is that providers believe that all

              Broward College Wins $50,000

                 Siemens-Aspen Community

                       College STEM Award

          The Broward College Nursing Program has been named a winner of the inaugural
        Siemens-Aspen Community College STEM Award by the Aspen Institute College
        Excellence Program (CEP) and the Siemens Foundation.
          Broward College will receive an award of $50,000 and is among eight exceptional
        community college programs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM),
        recognized for providing outstanding preparation for high-demand jobs in advanced
        manufacturing, energy, healthcare, and information technology. Half of this award
        will be allocated for further program development, and half will be allocated as schol-
        arships to students, known as Siemens Technical Scholars.

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