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        Werner Andrade, MD, FASMBS                                              Jonathan Hersch, MD, FAAOS

          Dr. Werner Andrade is known for his compassion when                     Jonathan Hersch, M.D., FAAOS, is a highly experienced
        discussing body mass index in adults who face health                    orthopaedic surgeon committed to keeping his patients
        issues tied to morbid obesity. Dr. Andrade and his devoted              on the move. He serves as the medical director of the
        office staff at Tenet Florida Physician Services (TFPS) in              Delray Beach Open, volunteering his time to ensure the
        Hialeah assist patients in losing weight and changing their             health of the athletes, officials and fans of the matches. Dr.
        diets before scheduling a bariatric surgery. Patients                   Hersch is dedicated to providing experienced care to his
        describe Dr. Andrade’s demeanor as pleasant, gentle and                 patients at his Tenet Florida Physician Services office in
        comforting during a time when patients can be scared at                 Boca Raton. He specializes in orthopaedic care for adults
        the thought of surgery. In his TFPS office, Dr. Andrade                 as well as adolescents including shoulder, elbow and knee
        takes the time to explain the different types of bariatric              surgery, sports medicine, arthroscopy, fracture care and
        surgeries he performs including gastric bypass and gastric              hip arthroscopy. Dr. Hersch continues to focus on advanc-
        sleeve. A dedicated and highly-experienced surgeon, Dr.                 ing treatment options available for orthopaedic injuries
        Andrade also specializes in general surgery and minimally               and diseases. He has conducted clinical research focusing
        invasive laparoscopic surgeries including hernia repairs, robotic surgery, laparo-endo-  on knee injuries whereby the patient’s own cells are used
        scopic single site surgery and gastrointestinal interventional endoscopy. Dr. Andrade  to repair the damage to the knee. Dr. Hersch is committed to team work and is devot-
        is a member of the Nicaraguan American Medical Association. He is bilingual in  ed to helping his patients cross the finish line.
        English and Spanish. Dr. Andrade has been practicing medicine since 2001 and is on-
        staff at Hialeah Hospital and Coral Gables Hospital in Miami.                       TENET FLORIDA CARDIOVASCULAR CARE

                    TENET FLORIDA PHYSICIAN SERVICES,                           Joseph Ricotta, MD, MS, FACS
                                FORT LAUDERDALE
                                                                                  Dr. Joseph Ricotta is a world-renowned vascular surgeon
        Fernando E. Bayron, MD, FACS,                                           and leader in endovascular therapies including limb salvage,
                                                                                a specialized focus aimed at saving an individual from
                                                                                amputation. Dr. Ricotta is committed to providing his
          Fernando E. Bayron, M.D., FACS, is an experienced,
        award-winning general and bariatric surgeon with Tenet                  patients expert care, while ensuring they are fully informed
        Florida Physician Services, located in Fort Lauderdale. He              through his explanation of vascular surgery detail to the
        is board-certified in general surgery and has been practic-             patient and their families at his Tenet Florida Cardiovascular
        ing medicine for 25 years. Dr. Bayron specializes in mini-              Care (TFCC) office in Delray Beach. In the TFCC office, Dr.
        mally invasive and laparoscopic surgery, bariatric surgery              Ricotta performs VenaSeal™ closures for varicose veins and
        including gastric bypass, lap-band®, sleeve gastrectomy,                venous reflux disease in the office. In addition, Dr. Ricotta is
        thyroid and gastroenterological surgery, robotic hernia                 known for his fortitude, a former Yale University Bulldogs’
        repair and abdominal wall reconstruction. Dr. Bayron                    basketball and football player, he often spends 14-16 hour
        completed his medical education, internship and residen-                days in the Hybrid Operating Room at Delray Medical
        cy at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and              Center performing vascular surgery and endovascular therapies. A pioneer in robotic sur-
        affiliated hospitals, where he and the medical staff at                 gery Dr. Ricotta performed the first robotic-assisted peripheral vascular intervention with
        North Shore Medical Center and Florida Medical Center, a campus of North Shore  the Corindus CorPath® GRX System at Delray Medical Center in February 2018. During
        donated $10,000 to support an outreach effort on the island to aid rural communities  the procedure, Dr. Ricotta performed a series of bi-lateral stents and performed a bilateral
        that have limited access to healthcare.                                 LEG angiogram using a drug-coated balloon for lower extremity interventions. In 2016,
                                                                                Dr. Ricotta was the first to offer the Magellan™ Endovascular Robotic System Surgery in
                                                                                Palm Beach County.
        Maxine Hamilton, MD
                                                                                                     CORAL GABLES HOSPITAL
          Maxine Hamilton, M.D., is a board-certified internist
        committed to providing comprehensive care to the com-
        munity. She provides quality care to her patients at her                Juan Fernandez, MD
        Tenet Florida Physician Services office in Fort Lauderdale
        where she specializes in general internal medicine, pre-                  Dr. Juan Fernandez has been a member of the medical
        ventive medicine, geriatric care, hospital medicine, car-               staff at Coral Gables Hospital since 1995. He graduated
        diovascular disease, physicals, vaccinations, health pro-               from the University of Northeastern Catholic University
        motion and wellness, and clinical research. Dr. Hamilton                and completed his Doctorate in Medicine Doctoral Thesis
        is passionate about fostering further medical develop-                  on Medical and Surgical Therapy for Peptic Ulcer Disease.
        ment. She continues to pursue research and is dedicated                 He is certified with the Federation of State Medical Boards,
        to teaching. She has held multiple teaching positions                   American Board of Physician Specialties and Good Clinical
        including her current position as a clinical assistant professor in the Herbert  Practice.  Dr. Fernandez is also the chief of staff at Coral
        Wertheim College of Medicine at Florida International University. For over 35 years  Gables Hospital. He serves as a liaison between the hospi-
        she has been steadfast in her dedication to her patients.               tal’s administrative staff and its medical staff members. He
                                                                                also plays a key role in making continuous quality improve-
                                                                                ments, as well as providing medical staff input for all major
        Vanitha Vasudevan, MD, FACS                                             expansion and renovation projects.

          Dr. Vanitha Vasudevan is a general and oncological sur-
        geon devoted to providing her patients with compassion-                 Amadeo Cabral, MD
        ate care. She specializes in minimally invasive and robotic
        surgery, gastrointestinal, gallbladder, breast, colorectal,               Dr.  Amadeo Cabral is a board-certified general surgeon
        thyroid, liver and pancreas surgery as well as breast can-              on staff at Coral Gables Hospital. He has more than 26 years
        cer, skin and soft tissue tumors, and gastrointestinal                  of experience.  He has given presentations on cystic tumors
        endoscopy. She is dedicated to providing advanced treat-                of the pancreas, anterior spinal artery syndrome, soft tissue
        ment options including minimally invasive techniques.                   sarcomas and options in treatment for metastasis. His post
        Dr. Vasudevan’s Tenet Florida Physician Services offices                graduate work experience and clinical research include
        are located in Hialeah and Fort Lauderdale. She is on staff             burn care research/burn trauma unit and general surgery
        at Florida Medical Center, a campus of North Shore and                  and burn care. Dr. Cabral did his general surgery residency
        Palmetto General Hospital. Dr. Vasudevan is committed to                at Western Pennsylvania Hospital and he received his med-
        the community having completed her internship, two res-                 ical degree from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriques
        idencies and her fellowship at the University of Miami.                 Urena in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  He gradu-
                                                                                ated with honors in 1992.

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