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         Back Cover: Florida International University

         Announces Global Initiative for

         Cannabinoid Research and Education

        Continued from page 32               crucial for the quality of care of athletes
        ative activity, and collaborative engage-  and others who are faced with pain from
        ment with our local and global commu-  injuries or who have anxiety or sleep dis-
        nities.”                             turbances. This database evidence will
          Dr. Konin also speaks to the fact of   provide guidance for use of these prod-
        how important it is to build partnerships   ucts.”
        with this initiative as the cannabis space   Additionally, the initiative is being
        is growing so rapidly. “There is so much   facilitated by the efforts of the
        we want to do, and so many areas that   Department of Athletic Training and
        could benefit from the research ideas and   under the guidance of its Doctoral pro-
        educational dissemination that we have   gram. FIU’s Doctor of Athletic Training
        planned. It is not only essential, but we   (DAT) degree is one of only 8 in the
        welcome with open arms anyone in the   entire country, and the only one that has
        industry that has an interest in collabo-  a focused effort on cannabis research and
        rating with us,” Konin added.        education. This exciting endeavor has
          The Nicole Wertheim College of     fostered the ability to recruit some of the
        Nursing and Health Sciences’ vision is to   very best individuals from all over the
        be globally recognized as the higher edu-  country to pursue FIU’s innovative
        cation destination organization that is   degree and have the opportunity to work
        innovative, inquiry-driven and techno-  with industry leaders.
        logically advanced, drawing diverse top-  Dr. Michelle Odai, the Chair of the
        class faculty, students, staff and others   Department of Athletic Training stated,
        for positive transformation of society   “This initiative adds to the rich history of
        with a focus on the healthcare needs of   success and innovation within the
        underserved populations. The University   Department of Athletic Training at FIU.
        was just named as the #78 best public   We look forward to research and educa-
        University in the nation according to the   tional outcomes that will enhance the
        U.S. News and World Report 2022      field of sports medicine and beyond.”
        National University Rankings.
          Dr. Ora Strickland, Dean of the Nicole   To learn more about FIU’s cannabinoid
        Wertheim College of Nursing & Health   research and education initiative, visit their
        Sciences at FIU excitedly shared, “The    website at
        work of our Athletic Training faculty and   Anyone wishing to collaborate and partner
        students to gain evidence about the   with the program can contact Dr. Konin at
        effective use of cannabinoid products is        

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