P. 32

While Delta-8                                          CANNABIS
                                                                          Grows in
                                                                          Popularity, Federal                                    BUSINESS
                                                                          Agencies Warn of
                                                                          Health Risks
                                                                                                                                             page  25
                                                                                     page 30

                                         October 2021

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                  Medical Cannabis and Cancer:

                             Caution Urged as Studies Continue

                           BY VANESSA ORR

          With the legalization of medical marijuana in a number of
        states including Florida, cannabis’ effectiveness in treating
        everything from PTSD to epilepsy has gained attention, not just
        in the medical community, but from patients hoping that it can
        be used to treat other conditions, including cancer. And while
        it has been effective in treating some side effects from cancer
        treatment, such as nausea and vomiting, as well as for provid-
        ing pain relief, helping to stimulate appetite and curb anxiety,                                                          Dr. Jeff Konin
        there is still much more research to be done to determine if the
        drug can work on defeating the disease itself.
          To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has                                                               Florida
        not approved cannabis or cannabinoids for use as a cancer
        treatment; however, it has approved two cannabinoids, dron-                                                        International
        abinol and nabilone, for the treatment of nausea and vomiting   effective than chemotherapy. Not only are these claims illegal,
        caused by chemotherapy in patients who have not responded to   but they may also prevent patients from receiving the proper   University
        antiemetic therapy.                                    treatment for their disease.
                                                                 According to Jason Humbert, a regulatory operations officer
        Buyer Beware                                           in the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs, if a product is market-  Announces
          Despite the fact that the FDA has not approved any medical   ed as a natural cure for cancer or a natural treatment for cancer
        cannabis cancer treatment, that has not stopped fraudulent   on a website or in social media, unless it has been evaluated by   Global Initiative
        claims online from companies claiming that their products   the FDA, there’s no reason to believe that it is safe or effective
        shrink malignant tumors, treat all forms of cancer, or are more                           Continued on page 29  for Cannabinoid

                                                                                                                           Research and
                                    Cannabis  Spotlight
         Durée Ross                                                           What field are you in within the
         DURÉE & COMPANY                                                      cannabis space?                                 BY CAROL NEWMAN
                                                                                Durée & Company is a full-service market-
         What benefits do you see for patients                                ing and PR company, with a burgeoning     Dr. Jeff Konin, a Clinical Professor in
         throughout Florida within this space?                                emerging markets practice. The agency has   the Department of Athletic Training in
           Florida, although a large market, is still very                    worked with cannabis, medical marijuana   the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing
         young. There is great potential for growth here, but                 treatment centers (MMTCs), MSOs, hemp    and Health Sciences at Florida
         there is also a lot of competition. With that said,                  and CBD brands/products, processing facili-  International University (FIU) is spear-
         any brand coming to market (or already present in                    ties, farmers, growers, cannabis cultivators,   heading the efforts for the recently
         the space) needs a solid strategy for the right prod-                labs and more. We understand the industry up   established  Global  Initiative  for
         uct offerings and relevant ways to engage patients                   and down the supply chain and work with   Cannabinoid Research and Education.
         who are becoming increasingly savvy in how they                      companies to identify goals, key messaging   “We are excited to devote a sincere
         research, shop and purchase products.                                and competitive advantages that lead to suc-  interest and multi-disciplinary effort
                                                                              cessful outcomes for their brands.       toward the study of cannabinoid science
         What motivates you to be a part of the             Durée Ross                                                 and the timely and much needed educa-
         cannabis Industry?                                                   How can people in Florida benefit        tion for our community,” Konin empha-
           Being a part of the cannabis industry ties into Durée &   from the company you represent?                   sized. To date, faculty from the areas of
         Company’s work in emerging markets. Well before the 2018   Durée & Company has set itself apart by offering a select   athletic training, nursing, analytical
         Farm Bill passed, we saw incredible potential and were already   group of clients our proactive and strategic counsel. Never a one-  chemistry, epidemiology, occupational
         working in the industry. There is a significant need for ongoing   size-fits-all PR strategy, we thoroughly understand the industry,   therapy, speech/language pathology,
         education, branding and public relations so that companies in   the client, and recognize the continued need for education and   public health, and psychology com-
         this space reach customers/patients no matter their comfort level   anticipatory thinking. We keep a watchful eye on local and fed-  prised the initiative’s team.
         or knowledge of cannabis products. Being able to directly impact   eral legislation and have a strong pulse on key expos and leader-  The stated mission reads as follows:
         a brand, be a part of their DNA, and create a path for success is   ship conferences. We have proven relationships with influencers   “The Global Initiative for Cannabinoid
         what keeps us motivated and enriched in our work.     and thought leaders and utilize these relationships to garner pub-  Research and Education is committed to
                                                               licity and awareness for our clients. As the industry continues its   high-quality education, contemporary
                                                                                                  Continued on page 26  and evidence-based research and cre-
                                                                                                                                        Continued on page 31
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