P. 38

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            Salute to Nursing...

                  CLEVELAND CLINIC WESTON HOSPITAL                                          CLEVELAND CLINIC MARTIN HEALTH

                                                                                 Missy Gazdacko, RN
        Donna Buckmire, RN, BSN
                                                                                   As a young child, Missy Gazdacko watched doctors and nurses
          Donna Buckmire has always loved to help others.                        take care of her father through severe health issues. It made an
          Growing up in Hamilton, Ontario, her home was one the                  impression that has lasted a lifetime.
        neighbors gravitated to because they knew they’d be taken care             “I saw that and said, ‘I can do that, I can make a difference,’” she
        of there.                                                                said. “I am a nurse because I like taking care of someone and
          “I just love people, making sure they’re fine,” Donna said.            working with them. You see people coming in that are so sick.
          When her husband’s job transferred him to Florida and her              When they’re discharged, you see the improvement and you know
        kids were old enough to be in school full time, Donna looked for         you were part of that care team that helped them get better.”
        work. She saw numerous advertisements for nursing and felt that          Missy started with Cleveland Clinic Martin Health as a patient
        the need for nurses and her penchant for caring for others was a         care technician in 2010. Six years later she earned a nursing
        perfect match.                                                           degree. Today, Missy serves as assistant nurse manager on the medical surgical, orthopedic
          She started at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital right out of school and 15 years later she  and observational unit at Cleveland Clinic Martin South Hospital.
        is still there, working in the medical surgical unit.                      “Being a PCT before I became a nurse helped me be a better nurse,” she said. “And being
          “I just love helping,” she said. “When I used to work with oncology patients, we were  a nurse is all I’ve ever wanted to be.”
        there from their first diagnosis to the end of their treatment. It was an awesome feeling to
        know you helped them get through it.”                                    Claudine Napoleon, RN

        Thai Elmer, RN, BSN, CCRN                                                  As a child growing up in Haiti, Claudine Napoleon wanted to
                                                                                 be a pediatrician. When she came to the United States, however,
          Thai Elmer has always been a caregiver, even if she didn’t             she entered the nursing field and quickly fell in love with the
        always recognize the trait in herself. The oldest of five children,      work.  “I don’t think I could’ve been anything else,” she said.
        it was her mother who encouraged her to go into nursing.                 “The compassion that we have, the amount of time we spend
          “I think she saw something in me, maybe something I didn’t             with the patients, it is extraordinary. I love it.”
        even know about myself, that I was always taking care of others,”          Claudine has been a nurse for two decades, the last seven at
        Thai said.                                                               Cleveland Clinic Martin Health. Working in the clinical decision
          A nurse for nine years, the Aruba native now serves as nurse           and observation unit at Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital,
        manager of the Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital medical ICU,             she now serves as a mentor for new nurses.
        intermediate care and dialysis units. In that role she continues to        “It is satisfying to see the nurses I’ve trained, who I’ve showed the ropes, when they are
        provide care but to a different audience.                                progressing and they’re doing it right and they enjoy it,” she said. “That’s my biggest accom-
          “I love caring for patients, but when I started in leadership my focus shifted to caring for  plishment. There is an art in nursing and I want to help show them that.”
        caregivers,” she said. “I think I have the best job because of the impact I’m able to have on
        the people who care for patients.”

                                                                                        CLEVELAND CLINIC INDIAN RIVER HOSPITAL

                                                                                  Jessica “Red” Claassen, RN

                                                                                    Jessica “Red” Claassen, R.N., has been a registered nurse with
                                                                                  Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital since 2017, as a member
                                                                                  of the nurse float pool and most recently the Intermediate
                                                                                  Cardiac Care unit.  Red is a seasoned nurse, and while her ICU
                                                                                  and emergency department experiences have helped her develop
                                                                                  clinical strengths, perhaps her greatest asset is the empathy with
                                                                                  which she practices, day after day, patient after patient.
                                                                                    Through her compassionate care, Red is able to quickly estab-
                                                                                  lish a rapport with her patients and their families, and it is this
                                                                                  connection that allows her to provide them emotional support when needed most. One
                                                                                  patient described Red as “a pillar of peace, strength and love shown to my mom and I dur-
                                                                                  ing her passing.”

                                                                                  Michael Dipardo, RN

                                                                                    Mike Dipardo has been with Cleveland Clinic Indian River
                                                                                  Hospital for nearly a decade. He had worked in the capacity of
                                                                                  unit clerk and patient care tech, before becoming a nurse in
                                                                                  2015. Mike started his nursing career in the intensive care unit,
                                                                                  moving in 2020 to the emergency department. Known for his
                                                                                  positive attitude, quick wit and willingness to help any team
                                                                                  member with any task, he is well-liked by his patients and
                                                                                  respected by his peers.  Mike’s quick nursing judgment and
                                                                                  instincts serve his patients well on a daily basis. Recently, his fast
                                                                                  actions helped save the life of a young child, exemplifying the traits that make him such an
                                                                                  incredible nurse. His willingness to go above and beyond for patients, their families and
                                                                                  coworkers are a testament to his character and professionalism.

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