P. 37

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            Salute to Nursing...

                         THE HEALTH CARE DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY                                                 NORTH SHORE
                                                                                                                     MEDICAL CENTER
         Georgia Burke, RN, RRT, BSN
         Linda McQuade, RN
         Lakeside Medical Center                                                                         Saul Rivera, RN, BSN

          Registered nurses Georgia Burke and Linda McQuade have                                           Saul Rivera, R.N., B.S.N., is an
         worked in various hospital specialties, but currently, they are                                 Assistant Nurse Manager at
         devoted to Lakeside Medical Center’s dialysis unit. Together,                                   North Shore Medical Center. He
         they look after patients suffering from acute kidney failure,                                   has been serving the communi-
         high blood pressure and hypertension, which at times are                                        ty at North Shore for the past 15
         combined with COVID-19 symptoms.                                                                years. Saul is in charge of over-
          Their combined years of experience help them tackle any unforeseen situations. McQuade’s quick response   seeing a team of nurses. He also
         time from years of working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Burke’s previous experience as a respiratory   provides training, scheduling
         therapist, has helped the duo effectively treat COVID-19 patients undergoing dialysis treatments.   and mentoring. Saul earned his
          “When I see a patient on the ventilator during dialysis treatment I have a vast understanding of what the   nursing degree at Ana. G
         combination of both can do to the body,” Burke said. “A lot of times they exhibit low blood pressure, so it’s a   Mendez University. During his spare time, he enjoys
         combo of things and you just have to use all of your clinical skills to make sure the patient is safe.”   spending time with his family and exploring the world

                                                                                                         through travel. He has a passion for helping others and
         Lesli Tosto, RN                                                                                 volunteering at local non-profits.
         School Health Program

          Even before the coronavirus pandemic, registered nurse Lesli Tosto was used to the
         high traffic in her school’s clinic at Western Pines Community Middle School. Now,
         the school health nurse oversees the care of more than 400 children, a third of the
         usual school’s attendance, during the pandemic.  She tackles the usual ailments seen                            E-mail Your
         in schools as well as chronic conditions ranging from diabetes to seizures and severe                   Editorial Submissions to
         allergies. She also conducts COVID-19 screenings, testing and helps with contact trac-
         ing. “When we first started school everyone was nervous, including staff and admin-                              editorial@
         istration, but then we got in our groove and had a system going,” she said. “COVID         
         brought more teachers to me with questions and concerns. I talked them through it
         because if they’re fearful, they’re going to make the kids fearful.” By focusing on facts
         and science, Tosto was able to help teachers understand COVID and help create a safer
         environment for staff and students.

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