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            Salute to Nursing...

                          FLORIDA  MEDICAL CENTER                                                        HIALEAH HOSPITAL
                                                                                  Carlos M. Cordero Jr., RN, MSN
        Holly Salajka, RN, MSN
                                                                                    Carlos M. Cordero Jr., RN, MSN, is the Director of Surgical
          Holly Salajka, RN, MSN, is the Director of Education and                Services at Hialeah Hospital. His career in nursing has translat-
        Informatics for the Tenet Miami Dade Market. Her career in                ed into 11 years of healthcare experience that has taken him
        nursing has translated into 30 years of healthcare experience             through a variety of specialty departments and leading to his
        that has taken her through a variety of specialty departments             passion with the surgical services department. Carlos is
        and leading to his passion with the Education and Informatics             responsible for the daily operations of the Pre-Admissions
        departments. Holly is responsible for the daily operations of             Testing department (PAT), Sterile Processing, Pre-Operative
        Informatics and Education for the five Miami Dade Tenet hos-              department, Post-Operative Care Unit (PACU), and
        pitals as well as the Cardiac Cath Lab at Florida Medical                 Gastroenterology department (GI). He currently manages 63 FTE’s and a variety of spe-
        Center. Holly is a member of the Lauderdale Lakes Economic Development Advisory   cialties procedures with the help of his Nurse Manager and Assistant Nurse Managers,
        Board. Holly earned her Bachelors of Nursing from University of South Florida and her   ensuring the careful coordination of all surgical procedures. Carlos is a member of the
        Masters Degree of Nursing Informatics from Chamberlain College of Nursing. During her   Association of Peri-Operative Registered Nurses (AORN) and the American Nurses
        spare time, she enjoys reading, her Peloton and visiting with friends and family . She has   Association (ANA).  Carlos earned his nursing degree at Miami Dade Medical College
        found a passion for serving her community and has continued to reside and practice her   and a Master’s in Nursing Science with a concentration in Leadership and Management
        nursing career within her community .                                     from Florida National University. At the start of the COVID pandemic Carlos had just
                                                                                  transferred from another Tenet facility and had just started working at Hialeah Hospital,
        Sharmila Perez, RN                                                        during this time he flexed all his nursing personnel to other units to help assist with
                                                                                  patient care as well as converting his PACU department into a Mini-ICU to help care for
          Sharmila Perez, RN, is the Administrative Director of Critical          higher acuity patients.
        Care at Florida Medical Center. Her career in nursing has trans-
        lated into 23 years of healthcare experience that has taken her           Sinai Penalver, RN, BSN
        through a variety of specialty departments. Sharmila started her
        healthcare journey as an admissions clerk and worked her way                Sinai Penalver, RN, BSN, has been a nurse at Hialeah Hospital
        up to her current position where she is responsible for the daily         since 2008. Sinai progressed to the leadership role in 2018, as
        operations of the Medical, Neuro and Cardiac ICU’s as well as             the Director of the Medical Surgical unit, which has the highest
        oversight of the Hemodialysis department. Sharmila is a mem-              volume of inpatients at Hialeah Hospital. In addition, she took
                                                                                  over the directorship for telemetry unit in 2020. She effectively
        ber of the ACHE, and AACN. Sharmila earned her nursing degree at Florida Atlantic
                                                                                  managed the two-inpatient units during the COVID- 19 pan-
        University . Sharmila came to FMC at the start of the COVID pandemic prior to that; she
                                                                                  demic. Sinai was responsible for ongoing staff training and
        worked at a sister facility in Palm Beach County . During her spare time, she enjoys spend-
                                                                                  mentoring, in addition to keeping up with acute changes in
        ing time with her family and exploring the world through travel. She has found a passion
                                                                                  patient volume due to COVID 19. She demonstrated excellent leadership skills in keep-
        for serving her community and has continued to reside and practice her nursing career
        within her community .                                                    ing the staff morale high and in ensuring that staff follow appropriate infection control
                                                                                  practices, as per the facility approved COVID 19 guidelines. Sinai strives to maintain
                                                                                  highest standards of quality and patient safety in serving our patients and community.

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