P. 29

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                                             STUDY: 186% Pandemic Spike in Nurse

                                             Demand Worsens Turnover and Stress

               For healthcare professionals in the                                early 2021 however, 80% of nurses   ic were 26% more likely to say they
             United States, the COVID-19 pandem-                                  report their facility now provides ade-  were considering a job change for the
             ic has meant longer shifts, more                                     quate PPE.                        sake of earning a higher salary.
             patients with life-threatening symp-                                   While this is a dramatic improve-  Thirty-four percent of nurses indi-
             toms, and putting their own health on                                ment, a fifth of nurses still do not have   cated they’d experienced personal or
             the line to treat others.                                            adequate protection from COVID-19.   family financial hardship in the past
               More than a year into the pandemic,                                23% of nurses say that despite greater   year due to the pandemic, which may
             Incredible Health analyzed proprietary                               PPE availability, they personally con-  explain the focus on earning more
             hiring data from their platform and                                  tracted COVID-19 at some point in   income. Especially when 11% of nurs-
             surveyed nurses across the U.S. to bet-                              the past year.                    es experienced a pay cut during the
             ter understand the full scope of the                                   While PPE has improved, healthcare   pandemic.
             pandemic’s impact on American                                        workplaces are struggling to ade-   What can healthcare leaders do to
             nurses.                                 BY DR. IMAN ABUZEID          quately address the increased mental   support nurses? Leaders can care for
               Incredible Health is a marketplace                                 health needs of their nursing staff.   nurses’ mental and emotional needs
             technology that works with hospi-  or family financial hardship during the   73% of the nurses say they’re not suf-  by listening to nurses’ concerns and
             tals’ in-house recruiting teams to hire   pandemic                   ficiently supported by their facility to   provide coping resources for stress,
             permanent, specialized nurses in 20   As of this study’s completion in   deal with the added stress of battling a   anxiety, and burn out. Every frontline
             days or less. Hospitals save at least   March 2020, 73% of nurses had   pandemic.                      nurse should also receive education
             $2M per facility per year in travel   already received at least one dose of   Despite this perceived limited sup-  on the importance of vaccinations for
             nurse, overtime, and HR costs when   the vaccine. Though it’s a promising   port, nurses were 75% more likely to   themselves and their community.
             they partner with Incredible Health.   signal, this means that over a quarter   decline an interview request during   For this study, Incredible Health
               Incredible Health’s key findings   of nurses remain unvaccinated.    the pandemic, because they preferred   analyzed proprietary data from over
             from the COVID-19 Impact Study:     Of nurses who have not yet received   to remain with their current employer.   60,000 nurse profiles as well as over
               • 9% of nurses do not plan to get the   a dose, 33% say they don’t plan to get   In addition, nurses were 9% less likely   14,000 interview requests, and also
             vaccine at all                    the vaccine at all, even when one   to report considering a job change in   surveyed over 500 registered nurses in
               • During the pandemic, nurses were   becomes available to them (an issue   order to work in a new city or neigh-  the United States between February 4
             75% more likely to decline an inter-  reportedly driven, at least in part, by   borhood.               and February 19 of 2021.
             view request because they preferred to   social media misinformation).   Yet there were still many nurses
             remain with their current employer,   Vaccines are not the only way to   accepting new roles in 2020 on     Dr. Iman Abuzeid is the Co-founder
             compared to the months leading up to   protect nurses from the virus. In the   Incredible Health’s hiring platform.   and CEO of Incredible Health, a career
             the pandemic                      early days of the pandemic, personal   Why were these nurses making the   marketplace whose matching technology
               • During the pandemic, nurses who   protective equipment (PPE) shortages   change?                    enables hospital Recruiting teams to hire
             are looking for a new job are 26% more   were common across the country.   Incredible Health’s data suggests   permanent, experienced nurses in less
             likely to consider a job change in order   Incredible Health’s survey from May   that finances play a major factor.   than 20 days, much faster than the 90
             to earn a higher salary, compared to the   2020 showed that as little as 37% of   Compared with the months leading up   day national average. For more informa-
             months leading up to the pandemic   nurses were receiving proper PPE. In   to the pandemic, nurses joining       tion about Incredible Health,
               • 34% of nurses reported a personal                                Incredible Health during the pandem-     go to

        Cover Story: Community, Ethnicity, Language, Cultures: No Boundaries for Healing

         Continued from page 1
         and healthy living among older adults   Haitian-American Nurse Association, the   older adults to maintain a focus on pre-  the benefits of a wholistic approach to
         and minorities adding culturally-appro-  Genesis Community Clinic Health   ventive health and maintenance.   health. One serious health event can lead
         priate education and tools to the healing   Center and Caridad Center, along with   Additionally, an awareness of older   to a domino effect in wellness, she
         process.                            the Palm Beach County Commission.    adults who were more savvy with tech-  explained.
          For example, when the COVID-19 cri-  Together plans were quickly implement-  nology allowed her to create a train-the-  “My model of nursing care is to apply
         sis hit, she was able to pair her work and   ed to coordinate registrations and   trainer program to empower older adults   my knowledge of the clinical, social, cul-
         masters research experiences on the   administer vaccines for those unable to   to connect with each other and avoid or   tural, environmental and personal
         annual flu vaccine with knowledgeable   access technology to sign up for appoint-  at least alert health professionals of some   aspects of healing and prevention –  not
         community and church affiliated con-  ments.                             mental or physical health issues that   just providing responsive catch-up nurs-
         nections to battle the pandemic oblitera-  “I used my connections as a vehicle to   loneliness can cause.    ing care to treat disease symptoms,” she
         tion of social interactions among seniors.   increase access to COVID testing and   A member of the Haitian Catholic   explained.
         This isolation was compounded by a   vaccinations in vulnerable older popula-  Church since 1995, she describes her   A published author, advanced clini-
         technology gap, so she partnered with   tions,” Rizzo said. “We knew who could   involvement with the Haitian-American   cian, health advocate, educator, mentor
         the FAU Memory and Wellness Center to   not maneuver through the technological   older adult population serving as the   and preceptor, Rizzo is also proud of
         support seniors by providing access to an   pathways for registration and made   health ministry coordinator since 2006,   being a mom of three thriving young
         Uber line so older members can stay   arrangements to speed up the process for   providing a pathway to outreach, health   adult sons. She lives and breathes her
         connected via telephone during the pan-  them.”                          programs and health mission trips to the   mission to lead and support efforts to
         demic. A support group was led by the   She also worked to replace cancelled   Dominican Republic servicing Haitian   improve the quality of life in aging
         wellness center Nurse Practitioners and   on-site fitness and healthy aging support   refugees there.        minority populations.
         group leader.                       groups with a university sponsored    According to Rizzo, aging does not
          She relied on her working ties and out-  Memory Cafe, a regular weekly interac-  necessarily need to be accented by debil-
         reach with the Black Nurse Practitioners   tion of 25-30 participants over phone   itating illness and dementia. Older   To connect with Tamara Adonis-Rizzo,
         of Palm Beach County Association, the   lines to connect and inspire Haitian   adults are resilient and can thrive with   email

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