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            Salute to Nursing...

                                New Nursing Consortium of South Florida Leaders

        Maria A. Suarez, DNP, MSN, APRN,                                           National Nurses Week: May 6-12

        Baptist Health South Florida’s Miami                                         Nurses Week is celebrated from May 6-12, 2021, and
        Cancer Institute                                                            “South Florida  Hospital News and Healthcare Report”
                                                                                  would like to salute nurses across the U.S. and the world.
          Dr. Maria A. Suarez is Assistant Vice President of Nursing                 The following nurses are some of South Florida’s best!
        Operations at Baptist Health South Florida’s Miami Cancer
        Institute and is President of the Nursing Consortium of
        South Florida. Dr. Suarez was previously Assistant Vice                   Jean Seaver, MSN, RN
        President of Advanced Nursing Practice & Academic Affairs at Baptist Health South
        Florida and managed the BHSF Scholars Program for several years.          Broward Health
          Under her direction the Scholars Program, an innovative collaboration between
        academic and a clinical partners, grew from producing just a small group of nurse   Jean B. Seaver, the Associate Vice President Learning &
        graduates annually to one graduating hundreds each year and expanded it to support   Development at Broward Health, is the new President-elect of
        both entry level and graduate level nursing education. Dr. Suarez was born in Havana,   the Nursing Consortium of South Florida. Prior to joining
        Cuba and came to Miami when she was two years old. She was first inspired to   Broward Health, Seaver was Director of Nursing and Support
        become a nurse as a student at Miami Beach Senior High School and she has been a   Services/ACNO at Delray Medical Center. She was born in
        nurse for more than 30 years.                                             Burlington, Vermont and grew up outside of Boston. She says,
           has been an active participant on Nursing Consortium committees since 2007,   “I knew I wanted to become a nurse when I was three years old
        supporting the growth of Day in the Life of a Nurse™, the Centralized Clinical   and went to get my tonsils out.” That early instinct was realized when she graduated
        Placement System (CCPS), and other Nursing Consortium initiatives. She says,   from Salem State College, Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing.
        “Some of the most important things the Consortium does is inspire high school stu-  Seaver put herself through school, working all sorts of service jobs from chambermaid to
        dents to pursue nursing, links academia to practice, and encourages nurses to get   waitress to ice-cream scooper girl at Friendly’s. She later earned a Master of Science in
        involved in community engagement by serving on boards. We must also continue fos-  Nursing Administration from Florida Atlantic University. She additionally pursued a
        tering collaboration between practice and academic institutions to ensure nursing   doctorate degree in Educational Leadership. Seaver also holds a Certificate of Training
        education is current, to develop advanced practice residency programs, and to   and Development from Vanderbilt University. She readily admits, “I really am an advo-
        encourage nurses to be educated at the highest level of their profession.”   cate for the networking and the learning that comes from participating in the Nursing
                                                                                  Consortium of South Florida ... the sharing and collaboration. The quality of the educa-
                                                                                  tion we put on is really essential to keep our nursing community up to date with current
                                                                                  practices and events … especially coming out of these challenging times.”

                                                                                  W. Jason Dunne, DNP, MN, RN, CNE
                                                                                  Chamberlain University
                                                                                  College of Nursing

                                                                                   Dr. W. Jason Dunne, a leader in nursing education, serves as
                                                                                  Secretary on the Board of Directors of the Nursing Consortium
                                                                                  of South Florida. Dr. Dunne was President of the Miramar
                                                                                  campus of Chamberlain University College of Nursing for the
                                                                                  past five years. This January he was promoted to Senior
                                                                                  Director of Campus Operations for the South Region with
                                                                                  expanded oversight of all the Chamberlain University campuses in Florida and Texas. Dr.
                                                                                  Dunne believes that, "It is important for nurses to be involved in decision making from
                                                                                  the bedside to the board room.” He is also a strong believer in community service and
                                                                                  has served on a variety of voluntary board and advisory positions including the National
                                                                                  League for Nursing Awards Committee, Nurses on Boards Coalition State and National
                                                                                  Integrated Strategies Work Group, and others. As well, he participated in the United Way
                                                                                  - Reading Pals program and Broward School Board – Take Stock in Children Mentorship
                                                                                  program. At an early age, growing up in Canada, he says that his grandparents instilled
                                                                                  in him the importance of giving back to your community. He has been a nurse for 21
                                                                                  years. As an officer on the Nursing Consortium board he will advance new opportunities
                                                                                  for collaboration between leaders in academia and practice. He will also continue to
                                                                                  advocate for programming that exposes youth to nursing careers.

                                                                                  Joanne Masella, EdD, MSN, RN
                                                                                  Nova Southeastern University

                                                                                   Dr. Joanne Masella serves as Treasurer on the Board of
                                                                                  Directors of the Nursing Consortium of South Florida. Dr.
                                                                                  Masella is currently the Assistant Dean for Community
                                                                                  Engagement and Integration at the Nova Southeastern
                                                                                  University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing. She was
                                                                                  previously Dean and Professor of Nursing at Palm Beach
                                                                                  Atlantic University for 11 years. Dr. Masella was born in
                                                                                  Philadelphia and has been a nurse for 46 years. She started her career as a clinician prior
                                                                                  to moving on to teaching and developing nursing educational programs. As a teacher she
                                                                                  tells students that nursing is both an art and a science. She stresses the value of compas-
                                                                                  sion and love and says patients remember the little things you do, more than your tech-
                                                                                  nical skills. Her car has a bumper sticker that reads “Do Small Things with Great Love”
                                                                                  (Mother Teresa). Dr. Masella shared, “I happen to be a patient myself right now under-
                                                                                  going treatment for breast cancer … experiencing the importance of somebody taking a
                                                                                  moment to say hi, how are you or chat with you.” With the Nursing Consortium she
                                                                                  helped grow Day in the Life of a Nurse™ and other programs. She sees the role of the
                                                                                  Consortium “as essential to marketing the nursing profession, especially to young people
                                                                                  … to gain the next generation of the profession.”

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