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                       A message from our President

                   Here Is a Salute to ALL of Our Healthcare Heroes

                                      Reading as much as I do about the current COVID   may not have been enough, but, even today, we do not have the testing available to
                                    situation, I am pleased to see healthcare workers get-  screen all employees and visitors every day. Until very recently, and then only in some
                                    ting the praise they deserve. While the current focus   areas, might you get a test if you are asymptomatic.
                                    seems to be on where the COVID treatment is being   The nurses and staff working for SNFs have done remarkable jobs in keeping their
                                    rendered, we need to remember that there is a contin-  very vulnerable population safe. Think about it, a SNF is a community where com-
                                    uum of healthcare providers caring for patients and I   munity services are delivered in a large group fashion such as communal eating, activ-
                                    want to talk today about the staff in our skilled nursing   ities, and therapy. Because sick patients at SNFs are usually moved to hospitals, few
                                    facilities (SNFs).                            rooms are identified exclusively for isolating patients. And, patients residing in SNFs
                                      Lately, SNFs seem to be an easy target. While we   are exactly those for which COVID-19 exacts the ultimate payment … death.
                                    have seen failure after failure starting with the WHO,   Three cheers for this group of healthcare providers who have laid it on the line for
                                    other countries, our own federal government, state   their patients. Still plagued by the interrupted supply of needed PPE, these unselfish
                                    government, and our own healthcare systems, we are   workers have, like the rest of us, adapted and innovated to provide a safe environ-
                                    seemingly holding SNFs to a higher standard of care.   ment.
                Jaime Caldwell
                                      Let’s be honest, everyone was caught flatfooted on   Did we know that PPEs would be a prescription that would be written requiring all
           this one! Supply chain failures caused by the shutdown of a significant manufacturing   SNF staff to wear them? Absolutely not! Even with that challenge, did they adapt and
           part of China and other countries where PPEs are manufactured caused healthcare   identify alternatives to reduce the transmission of the virus in their facilities, they sure
           entities to scramble to obtain PPEs; even though they already had contracts with   did.
           healthcare supply firms to ensure no such shortages every occur. Who knew?   This has been a tremendous learning experience for this segment of healthcare,
             I checked and found that there are almost as many SNF beds as there are licensed   indeed all of healthcare, and really crystalizes for many what the future holds in store
           hospitals beds in our three counties. SNFs are not hospitals and are not held to a hos-  for SNFs and others. We will see improvements advocated and regulated that will
           pital standard. We were all learning as the pandemic grew and it took a while for the   have an impact on the emergence of future viruses and all of this will come with a
           healthcare system to realize that we needed to be more proactive in screening our staff   cost.
           and visitors for the presence of the virus. Who knew that you could have someone   Healthcare heroes can be found almost anywhere. Let’s not forget the ones caring
           display almost no symptoms and yet test positive for the virus! Taking temperatures   for our most vulnerable population.

         6                         May 2020                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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