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              ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN             EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES              EMERGENCY MEDICAL                         HOSPICE
                SERVICES, PLANNING,          FORTIS COLLEGE                           TRANSPORT SERVICES            VITAS® HEALTHCARE
                   DEVELOPMENT               Since 2011, FORTIS College in Cutler Bay has   CENTURY AMBULANCE SERVICE   Patients and Families Come First
          SALTZ MICHELSON ARCHITECTS         provided high quality career education and   Century Ambulance Service, now operating in   When someone you love is seriously ill, there
          Saltz Michelson  Architects (SMA) is an   training to traditional and non-traditional stu-  Broward County, is the premier ambulance   are so many decisions to be made. VITAS
          award winning architectural design firm   dents in the greater Miami area. FORTIS   transport and patient logistics services   helps you make care transitions that make
          founded in 1976 specializing in healthcare   College offers programs in Medical Assisting   provider in Florida, delivering unparalleled   sense: From hospital to home. From focus-
          facilities. The firm’s experience ranges from   and Practical Nursing as well as an Associate   patient care and customer service in the North   ing on the disease to focusing on the patient.
          hospital design to traditional medical offices   Degree in Nursing (ADN). Learn more about   Florida, Panhandle and South Florida regions.   From coping on your own to being part of a
          of all specialties and outpatient facilities such   getting started on your career education in   Century’s reliable, comprehensive services   team. We have served Dade-Monroe,
          as women’s centers, outpatient diagnostic   healthcare by calling Fortis College Cutler Bay   extend high-quality care from the hospital   Broward and Palm Beach counties since
          centers, outpatient surgery centers, MRI   at (786) 345-5300 or visiting   through the transport process while increasing   1978. For information or to make a referral,
          centers, urgent care facilities, walk-in clinics,                     efficiency for its healthcare partners. Century   call 800.723.3233 or go to
          oncology centers, artificial kidney centers,   MIAMI DADE COLLEGE –    Ambulance employs highly trained profession-
          and pediatric facilities. Our hospital experi-  MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS   als and utilizes innovative solutions to ensure   INSURANCE SPECIALISTS
          ence includes renovation and modernization   Students at the Medical Campus learn as   service quality. Whether Century is providing a   DANNA-GRACEY, INC.
          projects encompassing all areas of a hospital   they build their experience in state-of-the-art   non-emergent ambulance transport, adminis-  Danna-Gracey is an independent insurance
          facility. For more information, contact   facilities. Students practice their skills on   tering critical care, or implementing custom   agency with a statewide team of specialists
          Charles A. Michel son, AIA, Principal, at (954)   human patient simulators - manikins capable   logistics services to enhance hospital process-  dedicated solely to medical malpractice   and
          266-2700 or email cmichelson@saltzmichel-  of mimicking more than 200 illnesses and   es, patients and customers can rely on   Workers’ Comp insurance coverage for
 or visit   conditions. The Campus offers a variety of   Century  Ambulance. For more information,   Florida physicians and surgeons. Indepen -
                                             disciplines in nursing and allied health. There   contact Salome Lofty at (954) 504-8234 or   dent means you have options. We shop
                     ATTORNEYS               are more than 20 options, including bache-  email   widely for the best coverage and price to fit
          GED LAWYERS, LLP                   lor's degree programs and training certifi-                            the unique needs of you and your practice.
          Ged Lawyers, LLP has successfully recovered   cates that can put you on the fast track to an   FINGERPRINTING & BACKGROUND   With offices located throughout Florida,
          over $85M representing hospitals and other   exciting career in healthcare. For more infor-  CHECK SERVICES   Danna-Gracey works on behalf of physicians
          medical facilities in PIP collections. Our propri-  mation, contact 305-237-4141 or visit   FASTFINGERPRINTS   – well beyond managing your insurance pol-
          etary software analyzes and identifies claims  Choose FastFingerprints for your background   icy. We make it our practice to genuinely care
          inaccurately paid by insurance companies and   departments for more information.   check needs. Services include livescan finger-  about yours.   For more information, contact
          generates demand letters, which insurance                             printing for Florida Level 2 background checks   Matt Gracey at, or
          companies typically pay. In the event the insur-  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY   (with or without photo), fingerprint card print-  you can call (561) 276-3553 or visit the web-
          ance company doesn't, we then file suit. Ged   Master of Public Health Online/    ing, indefinite fingerprint storage and electronic   site
          Lawyers' mission is to GET EVERY DOLLAR   On-site                     fingerprint capture for FBI Channeling (person-
          owed. For more information, call 844-4GED-  The  Accredited Master of Public Health   al FBI background checks). FastFingerprints is   MARITAL AND FAMILY LAW
          LAW or visit   (MPH) degree at Nova Southeastern   conveniently located in every metro area in   ATTORNEY
                                             University requires a minimum of 42 semes-  Florida. Walk-ins welcome at all locations.   FIXEL NEAVE, P.A.
          HEALTHCARE LAW PARTNERS, LLC       ter hours, including public health field experi-  Mobile fingerprinting appointments are also   Fixel Neave, P.A., provides legal services in the
          Does your team need access to a healthcare   ence and a comprehensive examination.   available for groups. Contact us to learn more!    area of marital and family law.  When family law
          attorney to solve legal issues that arise regular-  The course may be completed within 2-5   matters must be decided by the legal system,
          ly? Are you an inhouse counsel who needs to   years of matriculation. On-site classes are   Lisa Kirk, Florida Regional Representative,   the process can be complicated by heated emo-
          get assistance on specialty matters or have   offered one evening per week. The Online   FastFingerprints   tions and financial turmoil.  It is the goal of Fixel
          occasional overflow of work?       option requires one weekend on-site orienta-  (813) 437-6540           Neave, P.A., to guide you through the legal
          A majority of our clients choose an affordable   tion and one weekend on-site capstone   process and remove as much financial stress as
          monthly plan, have access to “Counselor On-  experience. Supervised elective field based                  possible.  For a consultation, please call (954)
          Call” 24/7 and an extensive library of document   courses and research opportunities avail-  HEALTHCARE ACCOUNTING    981-2200  or  visit  our  website  at
          templates that are readily available. Our clients   able. For more information, contact Dr. Cyril   AND ADVISORY
          enjoy a full range of services including: physician   Blavo, Director, at (954) 262-1613 or email
          employment contracts, leases, collection or visit the website   BDO                          MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
          demands, subpoenas, licensing, investigations,     BDO, one of the nation's leading accounting   DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
          M&A, medical staff privileges, HIPAA, Stark and                       and advisory firms, understands the unique   Dade County Medical Association (DCMA) –
          False Claims Act issues.           SOUTH UNIVERSITY                   accounting, financial, and advisory require-  “The voice of Physicians in Miami Dade
          When you are ready: call/text (954)445-5503 or   South University is a nonprofit institution   ments that deserve experienced attention in   County.” Supporting its members in all aspects
          email Ben@HealthcareAttorney.Net; Ben Assad   offering educational opportunities for intel-  the healthcare sector. The BDO Center for   of the practice of medicine; to serve physicians
          Mirza, JD, LLM, CPA, MPHA, CHC. Visit   lectual, social and professional develop-  Healthcare Excellence & Innovation brings   and their patients by establishing and promot-
          www.HealthcareAttorney.Net         ment. With a 120-year story, our community   together healthcare professionals with the   ing ethical, educational and clinical standards
                                             is one where you can belong, believe and   knowledge, expertise and necessary   for the medical profession, and to advocate the
            EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES        become. Providing excellent student servic-  resources to help organizations of all kinds   highest principle of all, the integrity of the
          FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY        es since 1981, the beautiful West Palm   navigate risk, make informed investment   patient/physician relationship. For more infor-
                                                                                decisions, and seize opportunities. With
          Master of Health Administration /   Beach Campus, with its landmark Clock   offices in South Florida and across the U.S.,   mation: visit the website
          On-site                            Tower, is ideally located in the Palm   we stand ready to deliver fresh insights and   or please call Angel Bosch at (305) 324-8717
          Florida Atlantic University is home to the 15-  Beaches of Florida. Regardless of pursuing   help you prosper in this ever-changing   or email Angel at
          month Executive Master of Health  Admin -  an associate degree, baccalaureate, mas-  healthcare environment. For more informa-
          istration (EMHA) program designed for work-  ters, or doctorate, our campus offers some-  tion, visit or contact Angelo Pirozzi,
          ing professionals looking to enhance their   thing for all.†
          career. The program offers the convenience   South University - West Palm Beach
          to complete the master’s degree in a struc-  University Centre 9801 Belvedere Road   HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION
          tured 15-month cohort program offered on   Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411   CHRIS EVERT CHARITIES, INC.
          Monday and Wednesday evenings.  The   (561) 273-6500                  Chris Evert Charities was created to help fund
          EMHA program will expand student’s qualifi-  Toll-free 1-866-242-1840    programs that benefit children; focusing on ini-
          cations for challenging leadership positions    tiatives that keep families intact while the fam-
          in various healthcare sectors. Students are                           ily members seek better lives for themselves.
          given the tools to help foster change in a                            Along with The Ounce of Prevention Fund of
          dynamic, ever-changing environment. For                               Florida, a public/private partnership estab-
          more information, call (561) 297-6000 or visit                        lished in 1988, Chris Evert Charities has raised
                                            more than $25 million dollars towards the fight
                                                                                against drug abuse and child neglect in
                                                                                Florida. In 2019, the Annual Chris Evert Pro-
                                                                                Celebrity Classic fundraiser celebrates 30
                                                                                years of making an impact in the lives of at risk
                                                                                children and their families. For more informa-
                                                                                tion, visit the website or call
                                                                                (561) 394-2400.

                               If your organization or business is looking for a way to reach more than 32,000 healthcare professionals

                                   every month AND enjoy the value-added benefit of a weblink on,
                                       then our Resource and Business Directory is right for you!  Call (561) 368-6950 today!

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