P. 19

★ ★    ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                    Volunteers ★ ★

                                                                                 BROWARD HEALTH CORAL SPRINGS
                 HOLY CROSS HEALTH
                                                        Judy Shutowick

        Arlene Moses                                        After moving to Parkland 20 years ago, Judy Shutowick’s retirement has been anything
                                                        but quiet. The former executive director of the New York State Neurological Society has
          Arlene      Moses                             been a volunteer for Broward Health Coral Springs’ Auxiliary for 15 years. Shutowick
        joined Holy Cross                               serves as the Auxiliary’s secretary, handling all of the computer needs, communications
        Health as a volunteer                           and meeting minutes for the hospital’s service organization.
        in 2000 and has since                             Throughout the pandemic, Shutowick has been the vital glue keeping fellow volun-
        served more than                                teers engaged and informed as they worked virtually. She stepped up her responsibilities
        9,500 hours in the                              to manage the Auxiliary’s Volunteer Reporter software, a pilot program that tracks com-
        surgical information                            munication and attendance.
        department,   where                               Her proficiency with the Volunteer Reporter program was indispensable as she pre-
        volunteers are respon-                          pared reports for The Joint Commission and the hospital’s Employee Health Department. She went on to train other
        sible for facilitating                          volunteers throughout the healthcare system on the software and continues to work with the hospital’s IT
        communication between families or caregivers of   Department to ensure the software remains operational for volunteers.
        patients in surgery and the recovery room staff. In
        addition to her regular responsibilities as a volun-
        teer, Arlene is also co-chair of the surgical informa-                BROWARD HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER
        tion volunteers and assists with administrative
        tasks including welcoming, training, scheduling   Ashley Brizendine
        and supporting new volunteers assigned to surgical
        information. Arlene is attentive to the needs of
        patients and their families. She regularly goes above   During the early days of the pandemic, when few wanted to be near a hospital, much
        and beyond to accommodate patients and is always   less volunteer at one, Ashley Brizendine was a lifesaver for Broward Health Medical
        cheerful, dedicated, outgoing and dependable.   Center. The hospital’s Gift Shop Director Saud Begovic credits Brizendine with helping to
                                                        keep the shop open.
                                                         Her dedication to the patients, visitors and caregivers who frequent the shop was most
                                                        evident during Brizendine’s treatment for breast cancer. She continued to donate her time
                                                        at the hospital gift shop in between her grueling radiation therapy sessions.
                                                         Brizendine, who became a volunteer in 2014, has logged nearly 2,500 service hours at
                                                        the hospital. She also served as the South District Director of the Association of Florida
                                                        Health Care Auxiliary-Volunteers. In that role, she partnered with Child Life at Broward
                                                        Health Medical Center and Fort Lauderdale Woman’s Club, sewing pillowcases and blankets, which the Auxiliary dis-
                                                        tributed to the Oncology-Hematology Pediatric Clinic and other pediatric departments.



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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                  April 2022                          19
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