P. 23

Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight

        Continued from back cover            symptoms to the greatest possible degree   Do you see Florida moving
        practice, Atlantic Coast Cannabis, MD.,   while avoiding as many side effects as pos-  forward with recreational
        relies on the most current medical and sci-  sible. With medical cannabis, patients get   Marijuana/cannabis and how
        entific evidence, as well as first-hand   to titrate their own medication and they   will that affect your business?
        patient testimonials, that clearly demon-  will continue to do this over the course of   I do believe at some point this wonder-
        strate the efficacy of medical cannabis for a   their treatment. Patient controlled medica-  ful plant will be made available to all peo-
        vast array of illnesses. I believe that med-  tion administration is not new to anesthe-  ple on a legal basis. For some people, this
        ical cannabis is a natural and holistic med-  siologists. Because of this, I feel qualified   will be all that they need. For the vast
        ication for the treatment of many health   to participate, treat and qualify patients for   majority of patients, I believe that they will
        conditions. I believe it is a better alterna-  medical cannabis in the state of Florida. I   want to continue to be in the medical pro-
        tive to the “pills” that the pharmaceutical   do this through extensive education of my   grams due to the education that they
        companies are supporting. We know that   patients and continued support and educa-  receive from physicians and the access to
        as patients become more informed about   tion after they have qualified for their card.   discounts and support that we are able to
        medical marijuana, they will appreciate its                               provide them. Our evaluations are com-
        value in medicine.                   How did you get started within       prehensive and include education about
                                             the cannabis industry?               the different types of plant-based medica-
        What field are you in within the       In the late 1980’s I chose the field of   tions, the different routes of administra-
        cannabis space?                      Anesthesiology due to a strong desire to   tion, how it can be beneficial, dispensary
          I am a medical cannabis physician and   help patients suffering with all types of   instructions and the requirements of the
        owner at Atlantic Coast Cannabis MD in   pain. After many years as a successful   state of Florida for having a medical card.
        Edgewater. I became certified to qualify   Anesthesiologist, I knew there was some-  We are also a participating member in an
        patients for their medical cannabis cards in   thing more that I could do to help ease the   online peer-to-peer portal for medical pro-
        2018. I am a board-certified Anesthes -  pain and suffering of patients. When   fessionals to share HIPAA protected info to
        iologist and thus have been using “chemi-  Florida legalized medical cannabis for a   improve the future of medical marijuana
        cal” means to treat pain in a controlled   broad range of illnesses in 2016, I became   treatments. Through this portal, we are
        environment for more than 30 years. But I   intrigued and wanted to become part of   able to evaluate current patient treatments
        always knew there was something more   this holistic treatment. I felt like this was a   and efficacies and use this info to better
        for me to do as a physician.         natural transition for me, to further my   treat our patients.
                                             desire to help patients who are suffering
        How can people in Florida bene-      from a variety of ailments. My own mother
        fit from the company you repre-      was a chronic pain patient and I knew that
        sent?                                I needed to be part of the solution. This
          I believe my 30+ years in Anesthesiology   desire inspired me to begin researching
        gives me an advantage in making recom-  medical cannabis and to become a quali-
        mendations for medical cannabis patients.   fied medical cannabis provider. In 2018, I
        Anesthesiologists use the titration method   became certified to qualify patients and in
        of medication administration in their rou-  2019, I opened my practice. I started part
        tine approach to treating patients.   time for 2 years and as of July 2021, I was
        Titration is the process of determining the   able to transition to a full-time job. I truly
        medication dosage that reduces one’s   feel blessed to be able to work my passion.

                          Shifting the Script:

                 Transitioning Patients to Natural

            Treatments for Pain and Inflammation

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           What makes PūrRelēf stand out from   tion, please visit or call
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        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                                 April 2022                         23
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