P. 26

TM                                      AROUND
                  Florida’s Resource for
                  Medical & Business
                 Cannabis Developments

                    PO Box 812708
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708                    CannaMD: Advancing Cannabis Research
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950

                      Website:                BY JESSICA WALTERS, CANNAMD, CHIEF                            outcomes among current and new patients.
                                                                         In addition to advancing scientific literature,
                                                      MEDICAL RESEARCHER
          CHARLES FELIX                                                                                     CannaMD is passionate about making sure patients
          CAROL FELIX                          As one of Florida’s largest networks of med-                 understand these new developments – which is why
          Publishers                         ical marijuana doctors, and the first physicians               the CannaMD blog is full of research-based articles,
                                             to certify for edibles in the Sunshine State,                  tips, and guidance. CannaMD’s free e-book is one of
          NANCY LAMMIE                       CannaMD is committed to advancing evi-                         the most widely used patient resources in the state –
          JMC Graphics                                                                                      and for good reason. CannaMD’s doctors are commit-
          Art/Production                     dence-based discussion of medical cannabis
                                             research – which is why their latest work with                 ted to not only certifying medical marijuana patients,
          JUDY GRAMM                         the University of Florida (UF) and the                         but making sure that every step of the process makes
          Editorial Manager                  Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical                      perfect sense.
                                             Outcomes Research should come as no sur-                         As CannaMD continues to seek out opportunities
          CONTRIBUTING WRITERS               prise.                                     JESSICA WALTERS     to advance medical cannabis research, patients are
          Daniel Casciato                                                                                   encouraged to capitalize on the network’s evidence-
          Barbara Fallon                       CannaMD first served as a recruitment site
          Vanessa Orr                        for UF in 2019. Results were later published in the peer-  based resources by visiting Prospective patients
          Lois Thomson                       reviewed journal, Cannabis (see: “Health Outcomes Among   are welcome to call (855) 420-9170 to learn more and see if
                                             Adults Initiating Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain: A 3-  they qualify, risk-free. (With close to 20 locations statewide,
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                      month Prospective Study Incorporating Ecological Momentary   CannaMD offers a variety of convenient locations.) Current
          One Year - $45                     Assessment”).                                          cardholders who aren’t experiencing the results they’d like are
          Two Years - $70                                                                           also encouraged to speak with CannaMD’s experienced team of
          Three Years - $85                    CannaMD reprised its role in 2020, with a second study on
          To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950   cannabis and PTSD, before recruiting participants for a separate   medical experts.
          Or email:   project: the Consortium’s Contact Registry. Now, Florida’s
                                             favorite network of cannabis doctors is proud to serve as a                       To learn more about CannaMD’s
          All rights reserved. Reproduction   recruitment site for the Medical Marijuana & Me (M3) Cohort           developing research efforts, visit
          In whole or part without written    Study – facilitating statewide research on medical marijuana
          permission is prohibited. Copyright ©2022

                                                                                                      July 29-31, 2022
                                                                                                            Rosen Centre Hotel
                                                                                                              Orlando, Florida

                                                                                                        The Inaugural

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports


                                                                                                           (CIS 2022)

                                                                                                      6FLHQWLÀF %DVHG

                                                                                           Presentations for the Use of

                                                                                                   Cannabis in Sports.

                                                                                              For more info view this link:
                  This conference is designed to foster education on
                              the use of cannabis in sports!

           26                       April 2022                                                                                                                                             Cannabis News Florida
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