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CANNABIS                                   NCAA Adjusts the
                                                                                                                   Threshold Levels for
                                                                        BUSINESS                                   THC Testing

                                                                        DIRECTORY                                                      page 24

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                                         April 2022

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                    Trulieve: Building Community,

                                                 Offering Innovative Products and

                                             Advocating for the Cannabis Industry

                                                BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                              Trulieve is an industry leading,
                                            vertically integrated cannabis
                                            company and multi-state opera-
                                            tor in the U.S. operating in 11
                                            states, with leading market posi-
                    Dr. Lorraine Ryan
                                            tions in Arizona, Florida, and
                                            Pennsylvania. The company is
                 Cannabis                   poised for accelerated growth                                               DocMJ, Medical
                                            and expansion, building scale in
                 Spotlight                  retail and distribution in new and                                                Marijuana
                                            existing markets through its hub
                                              “By providing innovative,                                                    Doctors and
         Lorraine Ryan, MD                  high-quality products across our       Boca Raton’s Trulieve dispensary
         Atlantic Coast                     brand portfolio, Trulieve delivers optimal customer experiences and increases access   Medical Cards: A
         Cannabis MD                        to cannabis, helping patients and customers to live without limits,” says Tim Morey,
                                            Trulieve's Chief Sales Officer.
                                              Trulieve, listed on the CSE under the symbol TRUL and traded on the OTCQX mar- True Step Above
         What benefits do you see for       ket under the symbol TCNNF, was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in
         patients throughout Florida        Tallahassee, FL. The company was the first Florida licensed operator with initial sales   BY AARON BLOOM
         within this space?                 in 2016.
          The history of medicine is littered with   They take pride in their exceptional retail and wholesale distribution model. Their   DocMJ is Florida’s largest and most
         anecdotes detailing the usefulness of med-  footprint is across 11 states in 3 regional hubs (SE, SW, NE) with a robust retail net-  experienced group of certified medical
         ical cannabis for the treatment of patients.                                                                 marijuana physicians. We have been
         It was a commonplace medication pre-                                                     Continued on page 27  providing appropriate medical marijua-
         scribed by physicians for a vast array of                                                                    na recommendations to qualified
         ailments. In the early 1900s cannabis was
         finally banned in the United States. In the  Mango Haze Expanding to Markets                                 patients since 2016. We are proud to
         late 1900s, the endocannabinoid system                                                                       offer our patients world-class care at an
                                                                                                                      affordable price. All our physicians and
         was discovered and the interest in medical    in South Florida, California                                   mental health counselors are experi-
         cannabis resurged. Unfortunately, people                                                                     enced experts who really understand the
         still associate a stigma when discussing                                                                     needs of patients who seek medical
         cannabis. We are seeing more and more         BY VANESSA ORR                                                 cannabis as an alternative to prescription
         studies that are proving the efficacy of                                                                     drugs.
         medical cannabis as a treatment alterna-  On Feb. 23, Miami Mango’s popular                                    One of the things that sets DocMJ
         tive to opioids and anxiolytics. These opi-  cannabis strain, Mango Haze, was                                apart from other providers is that we
         oids and anxiolytics can oftentimes lead   released for sale in 42 Trulieve Cannabis                         work hard to understand the complete
         to drug addiction, overdose, and death.   Corp. locations in South Florida. Now                              patient. We recognized early on that
         The horrors of the national opioid epi-  available exclusively to Trulieve medical                           patients who suffer from some chronic
         demic continue to ravage the lives of   patients in the area, the strain marks the                           anxiety conditions (e.g. PTSD), may
         patients and their loved ones across the   first time that these two well-known com-                         need more than just medicinal relief. We
         nation. Fortunately, recent medical and   panies have partnered to bring a product                           know that research has shown that when
         scientific advancements into cannabis and   to market.                                                       you combine medical marijuana use
         the endocannabinoid system have thrust   “Trulieve is the largest multi-state oper-                          with counseling, you not only treat the
         medical marijuana to the forefront of   ator in the country, soon to be the world,                           symptoms but also the underlying cause.
         homeopathic treatment. Medical cannabis   and it’s operated by Kim Rivers, who is a                          For us, this is just a part of helping all
         provides a safe, all natural treatment   very sharp lady,” explained Miami Mango                             patients have their own individual well-
         option.                             CEO Alex Villegas. “She’s been partnering                                ness journey with medical cannabis.
                                             with the proper people in the traditional                                  We have educational resources that are
         What motivates you to be a part     market to help bring our culture into the                                easily accessible via our website at
         of the cannabis Industry?           commercial cannabis space.                       Alex Villegas  Additionally, patients
           Despite those still clinging to the anti-  “By having an alliance with smaller                             can feel connected by watching any of
         quated “Reefer Madness” ideology, my   farms that didn’t have the financial back-                            our numerous videos including patient
                                                                                                  Continued on page 25
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