P. 27


         Back Cover Story: Trulieve: Building Community, Offering

         Innovative Products and Advocating for the Cannabis Industry

        Continued from back cover
                                              operate.                            Binske, Blue River, Black Tuna,
         work of 160+ operated or affiliated dis-  “We advocate for cannabis reform, pro-  Love's Oven, O.pen, and Sun -
         pensaries. They are the market leaders in   vide top products, and work to educate   shine Cannabis, all available
         their cornerstone markets of Arizona,   the communities we serve,” notes Morey.   exclusively at Trulieve in Flor -
         Pennsylvania and Florida.            “This includes creating jobs at our dis-  ida.
           According to Morey, Trulieve has   pensaries with great benefits and con-  Trulieve is the market leader      One way they are doing this is through
         accomplished many firsts in Florida,   tributing to and developing partnerships   in Florida with more than 110 retail loca-  4/20, the marijuana holiday. For decades,
         including:                           with local organizations in the communi-  tions in the state. A full list of Trulieve’s   4/20 was widely celebrated underground
           • Being among the first group of   ty. Trulieve also grows, harvests and pro-  Florida locations can be found at   by cannabis enthusiasts. The holiday has
         licensees to receive approval from the   duces cannabis plants in an eco-friendly /florida.    emerged from the shadows in recent
         Florida DOH                          environment to reduce carbon footprint   Trulieve is excited to continue the   years as legal cannabis becomes increas-
           • first to receive approval to cultivate   and protect the planet.”    expansion of access to medical and adult   ingly accessible and popular throughout
         and dispense                          The company continues to focus on   use cannabis from coast to coast.    the U.S.
           • first to make a home delivery    growing safe, quality cannabis and con-  “We’re driven by our commitment to   “The day has now become a unifying
           • first to make a sale             tinually innovates to provide a wide vari-  providing tailored, high-quality patient   experience for the cannabis community
           • first to sell smokable cannabis   ety of products for medical patients in   care to as many patients as possible,”   where consumers connect over their
           • first to sell edible cannabis    Florida.                            adds Morey.                          shared love for the plant and legal busi-
           • and more                          Their patients across Florida can choose   Trulieve’s mission to promote well-  nesses host celebrity-backed concerts
           Trulieve’s mission is to provide com-  from the largest selection of THC and CBD   being through cannabis allows them to   and activations,” says Morey.
         passionate care patients can trust when   products  (  create profound economic and social   Patients who visit their local Trulieve
         traditional medicine is not enough. They   available in a variety of consumption   advancement opportunities within the   location on April 20 can expect live
         strive to provide the highest level of   methods, including smokable flower,   communities they serve. Trulieve looks   brand activations, giveaways, all day in-
         cannabis products and customer experi-  concentrates, edibles, capsules, syringes,   forward to cultivating additional local   store promotional offers, and more. Stay
         ence through authentic and reciprocal   tinctures, topical creams, vaporizers and   and national partnerships through their   tuned to Trulieve social media channels
         relationships. Their vision is to be the   more.                         growing DEI (Diversity, Equity and   for details.
         leading customer-focused cannabis     In addition to Trulieve’s proprietary   Inclusion) team and showcasing how
         brand in the United States, with depth in   brands, patients have access to beloved   cannabis can create consequential, pow-  For more information, visit
         the markets the company chooses to   brands such as Bellamy Brothers, Bhang,   erful change.                            

         Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                                 April 2022                          27
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