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UM’s New Boca Raton Center Promotes Brain Health

          The University of Miami Miller School                                   was wrong. Over the years that followed, I   and they get a very detailed, comprehen-
         of Medicine has opened the new                                           watched someone who was vital and   sive assessment. At the end of the research
         Comprehensive Center for Brain Health,                                   active become progressively more and   visit, they get feedback that they can take
         which will serve as an important research                                more disabled from this disease.”    back to their own doctor or if they choose
         hub for Alzheimer’s, dementia and other                                    “I decided to devote my career to doing   to, they can follow up with our clinicians.
         memory disorders. Led by UM professor                                    something about it, to try to figure out
         of neurology and Center Director Dr.                                     why some people develop these diseases   Multicultural Bandwidth
         James Galvin, M.D., M.P.H., this new                                     and what we can do to try to treat them,   Dr. Galvin says they are also working on
         center will focus on research and treat-                                 prevent them or cure them,” he said.   tools to improve the recognition and diag-
         ment of neurogenerative brain diseases.                                                                      nosis of dementia and how those tools per-
         They will also provide medical care for                                  Measuring Brain Health              form in multicultural communities. “We
         patients with these diseases.                                              To quantify brain health, Dr. Galvin and   will be looking across all groups, and at
          What sets the center apart most                                         his team currently employ several meth-  people from all walks of life. These popu-
         notably is Dr. Galvin’s passion for attend-  Dr. Galvin and patient      ods, which include The Quick Physical   lations include African Americans and
         ing to brain health on a preventative                                    Activity Rating, The Lewy Body      Afro Caribbeans, Hispanics, people who
         basis. “It is time we did more to help                                   Composite Risk Score, Cognitive and   live in rural areas, Native Americans and
         people protect their brains,” he said.   A Quest to Avert Tragedy        Leisure Activities Scale, Number-Symbol   people in American Samoa” he said. “We
          Toward this end, Dr. Galvin and his   Treatment and care of patients with   Coding Test and The Quick Dementia   are really trying to understand not just
         team are working to understand risks for   Alzheimer’s costs $305 billion annually in   Rating System.       how we recognize the disease in the major-
         developing common age-related neuro-  the U.S. Unless there are significant med-  Recently, he led a study that established   ity individuals, but how to recognize dis-
         degenerative diseases such as mild cogni-  ical breakthroughs, by 2050 that number   a broad and comprehensive measure of   ease in all people.
         tive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease,   may skyrocket to $1.1 trillion per year, as   brain health, that he named the Resilience
         Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body demen-  both the per capita incidence of dementia   Index (RI). This index goes further than   More on the CCBH:
         tia, frontol temporal degeneration, vas-  grows and baby boomers enter their 80s   the current tools by predicting an individ-  If you are concerned about your memo-
         cular cognitive impairment, and chronic   and 90s.                       ual’s risks of developing an impairment,   ry or that of a loved one, consider partici-
         traumatic encephalopathy.             “The enormous financial burden aside,   and drives a personalization plan for opti-  pating in our no-cost research evaluations
          The center will run trials where people   the tragedy these diseases impose on sen-  mizing their brain health. These “brain   to provide you the answers you seek. A
         who have healthy brains and those with   iors and their families is played out in one   prescriptions” may include specific goals   summary can be provided that you can
         cognitive and functional impairments   out of every three families,” said Dr.   for physical activity, cognitive activity, diet,   share with your healthcare provider, or
         can all participate.                Galvin. “Some of this is preventable –  per-  and even mindfulness practice.    you can see one of our clinicians for fol-
          “We have developed innovative and   haps up to 40% of the risk of developing a   “I think there is an increased interest in   low-up care and management. We offer
         novel tools to create an individual profile   degenerative brain disease. It is important   thinking about what people could do to   innovative research programs including
         of brain health risks and can offer what is   that we take a multipronged approach to   try to prevent diseases from developing,”   longitudinal studies, industry-sponsored
         tantamount to a personalized program to   prevent disease and slow progression,   Dr. Galvin said. “People are asking, ‘How   clinical trials, innovative investigator-initi-
         mitigate risks for each person,” said Dr.   while also working to develop better treat-  can I build a better brain as I get older?’   ated projects, lifestyle interventions such
         Galvin.                             ments and cures,” Dr. Galvin said.    We know that there are things that are   as Tai-Chi, ballroom dancing, or yoga, bio-
          The new center augments patient care   Dr. Galvin was inspired to study the   modifiable. I can’t change your age, I can’t   marker development, genetic studies, and
         and research within the University of   aging brain by his own experiences with   change your biologic sex, I can’t change   much more. We sponsor community sem-
         Miami’s Division of Memory Disorders,   his grandfather’s decline from Parkinson’s   your genes, but there are a bunch of fac-  inars. You can become part of the CCBH
         the McKnight Brain Center and the   and later, dementia. “I grew up in a house   tors that seem to provide some protection   family by joining our auxiliary or, if inter-
         Center for Cognitive Aging and      where my grandparents lived upstairs, and   against disease.”            ested, supporting our research and clinical
         Neuroscience. “Collectively, we're all   I was very close with my grandpa,” he   Having developed the RI, Dr. Galvin   programs.
         interested in brain health and in having a   said. “His Parkinson’s led us into a car   plans to roll the program out to people in   For more information on the
         world without Alzheimer's disease,” said   wreck that was fortunately not catastroph-  the South Florida area at no cost and later,   Comprehensive Center for Brain Health,
         Dr. Galvin.                         ic, but was a wake-up call that something   beyond the region. People can participate   visit

                                                                                       P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

            A message from our President

                      Have a Wonderful and Safe Holiday Season

            This is the time of year when we especially enjoy good news! Well, we were treat-  of the weather, the potential for infection increases
          ed to some great news recently when both the Food and Drug Administration and   as people are squeezed closer together.  For exam-
          the Centers for Disease Control both approved/authorized that the Pfizer-BioNTech   ple, “A surge in cases in the Upper Midwest has
          and Moderna vaccines can be used to provide booster shots to everyone 18 years   some Michigan schools keeping students at home
          old and older. This dramatically simplified a confusing puzzle consisting of pieces   ahead of Thanksgiving and the military sending
          that when put together hopefully led to being eligible to receive the vaccine.   medical teams to Minnesota to relieve hospital staff
            We have two challenges. First, and I know that you won’t believe this, but there   overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients.” [Sun-
          are approximately 60 million Americans who are eligible to receive one of the   Sentinel, November 19, 2021.]  In fact, Vermont’s
          COVID-19 vaccines and they haven’t … not one shot/jab!  All of the excuses that   governor is calling their Legislature back into ses-
          we heard initially to excuse bad behavior are false.  Bottom line, we need to apply   sion with the hopes of passing “a bill giving local   Jaime Caldwell
          more pressure to encourage vaccination.                                governments the power to adopt temporary mask
            The unvaccinated’s strategy to depend on the natural infection process to instill   mandates.”  Isn’t that refreshing, actually acknowledging that fighting this virus is”
          immunity is likely a wrong strategy.  Like, what if you don’t survive the infection?    local” and you need to provide local officials with the proven tools to allow them to
          Look at the death statistics and note that younger people are now dying in larger   take quick and decisive actions.
          numbers. In addition, just because you get the virus once doesn’t mean you can’t get   Together, both Pfizer and Moderna studied 10,000 adults of all ages “and found
          it again.  Lasting natural immunity to the virus is still not tested. Maybe it is good,   that a booster restored protection against symptomatic infections to about 95% even
          maybe not.                                                             while the extra-contagious delta variant was surging.”  We have the science, and it
            Second, as we have seen historically with the flu/influenza viruses, when it gets   has produced the answer, we now need to all take responsibility and end this virus.
          cold up north, the number of infections increases. As people move indoors because   Please, have a safe and restful holiday season! Happy New Year.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                           December 2021                           11
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