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                                                   Broward Health Year in Review

          No one could have predicted that COVID                                                                        County to offer patients with non-valvu-
         would be gripping communities for a sec-                                                                       lar atrial fibrillation (NVAF) an alterna-
         ond straight year. While Broward Health                                                                        tive to long-term blood thinners with
         was at the forefront of rolling out vaccine                                                                    the next-generation WATCHMAN FLX
         sites and monoclonal antibody clinics                                                                          Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC)
         across the county, there were several addi-                                                                    implant. The WATCHMAN FLX, which
         tional noteworthy accomplishments for the                                                                      was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
         one of the nation’s 10 largest public health-                                                                  Administration, may reduce the risk of
         care systems. Here’s a look back at Broward                                                                    stroke in patients with NVAF who need
         Health’s significant moments in 2021:                                                                          an alternative to oral anticoagulation
         COVID Response                                                                                                   Stereotaxis:  This global leader in
          In December 2020 and moving into 2021,                                                                        innovative robotic technologies for the
         Broward Health led the roll-out of commu-                                                                      treatment of cardiac arrhythmias has
         nity, stand-up vaccine sites throughout the                                                                    partnered with Broward Health Medical
         county, partnering with the City of Fort                                                                       Center to establish a robotic electro-
         Lauderdale, InterMiami CF and the Florida          Broward Health completed a $52 million expansion of the     physiology robotics lab to expand access
         Department of Emergency Management to                                                                          to advanced minimally invasive treat-
         set up a site at InterMiami CF Stadium. The              Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital NICU             ment of heart rhythm disorders in
         site vaccinated up to 2,000 patients daily. In                                                                 Florida. Broward Health Medical Center
         total, 115,000 vaccinations were administered. Then, along                                         will be the only hospital in South Florida offering
         with state officials, local officials, and community leaders,                                      robotic technology to treat patients suffering from
         Broward Health opened multiple mobile sites to better serve                                        arrhythmias and is the first in Florida, and among the
         Broward County’s most underserved and high-risk popula-                                            first in the nation, to adopt the latest Genesis Robotic
         tions.                                                                                             Magnetic Navigation system.
          Broward Health was also at the forefront of administering                                           eICU:  Broward Health’s Intensive Care Units were
         monoclonal antibody therapies soon after the U.S. Food and                                         integrated with Philips eICU, the largest tele-ICU net-
         Drug Administration authorized emergency use for both Eli                                          work in the U.S., offering centralized, remote clinical
         Lilly’s and Regeneron’s antibody treatments. Studies suggest-                                      surveillance by medical professionals, proprietary algo-
         ed that the new therapies reduced the risk of hospitalization                                      rithms that provide early warnings for proactive care
         and death among recently diagnosed people with elevated                                            and continuous programmatic improvement. This
         risk factors. Broward Health went on to open clinics during                                        transformational critical care tele-ICU program pro-
         the surge, transitioning patients directly from the   During 2021, Broward Health expanded its Graduate   vides 24/7/365 remote monitoring for the vitals of
         Emergency Department to the infusion clinic to prevent   Medical Education Program across all four of its hospitals.  patients in ICU, using artificial intelligence to provide
         unnecessary illness and free space in the ER for critically ill                                     the best medical counsel to bedside caregivers.
         patients.                                                                                          Integrating A/V technology, predictive analytics and
                                                                                                            data visualization with advanced reporting capabilities
         New Leadership                                                                                     equates to better outcomes, faster discharges and a bet-
          In spring 2021, Broward County native Shane Strum                                                 ter patient experience.
         assumed the role of President and CEO of Broward Health.                                             Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS):
         Strum is a recognized leader with decades of executive                                             Broward Health utilizes the UAS, the only FDA-
         experience and a 30-year legacy of public service, where he                                        approved implantable device to combat obstructive
         led initiatives that have lowered costs of prescription drugs,                                     sleep apnea, which can lead to other health issues,
         expanded telehealth services, improved transparency and                                            including moodiness, memory loss and even stroke,
         quality in healthcare, and increased awareness of mental                                           heart attack and death. Inspire delivers a mild stimula-
         health and substance abuse issues throughout the state.                                            tion to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls tongue
         Prior to joining Broward Health, Strum was previously chief                                        movement and prevents the tongue from blocking the
         of staff to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Under his direc-  For Thanksgiving, Broward Health hosted a turkey basket   airway. By stimulating these muscles, the airway
         tion, Broward Health has announced several milestones and    distribution to underserved families.   remains open during sleep. Unlike other common
         initiatives in 2021.                                                                               treatments, with Inspire there is no mask, no hose, and
                                                                                                            no noise.
         Capital Improvements
          Broward Health completed a $52 million expansion of the                                           Education
         Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital NICU that will                                                  During 2021, Broward Health expanded its Graduate
         enhance the immediate and long-term outcomes of infants                                            Medical Education Program across all four of its hospi-
         born at risk. Designated as a Level III Regional Perinatal                                         tals as the system continues to serve the community as
         Intensive Care Center, this is one of only 11 RPICC sites in                                       an academic center of excellence in training. New train-
         Florida where a comprehensive team of board-certified                                              ing programs were launched in general surgery, internal
         neonatologists, nursing specialists and pediatric specialists                                      medicine, and emergency medicine at Broward Health
         provide comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care for critically                                      North and psychiatry at Broward Health Imperial Point,
         ill newborns.                                                                                      bringing the number of programs at Broward Health to
          Both Broward Health Coral Springs and Broward Health   Broward Health Medical Center is among the first    13. As Broward Health North transitions to an academic
         Imperial Point opened new cardiac catheterization labs and   in the nation to adopt the latest Genesis    hospital, the GME general surgery residency there
         interventional radiology suites to provide patients with   Robotic Magnetic Navigation system.     allows the hospital to help fill the physician shortage
         access to critical life-saving cardiac procedures close to                                         and the critical need for doctors in the state and locally.
         home. Each state-of-the art suite includes procedure rooms, pre-and-post-procedure
         patient care bays, an isolation room, a room devoted to echo cardiograms, diagnostic   Community Impact
         stress lab stations and an expansive waiting room equipped with the latest patient mon-  Broward Health continued to impact local communities in extraordinary ways.
         itoring technology. Broward Health, which has made a multi-million-dollar investment   Broward Health’s Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center served 11,000-plus medical-
         in cardiac service line upgrades, has a more than 50-year history in advanced cardiac   ly at-risk children and families and continues extensive HIV/AIDS research. Through the
         care.                                                                    highly effective Vaccinate Broward and Mobilize to Immunize campaigns more than 800
                                                                                  children across Broward County were vaccinated.
         Lifesaving Technology and Treatments                                       For Thanksgiving, Broward Health served approximately 800 meals to the homeless
          New robotic technology continues to provide the best possible care for orthopedic,   and hosted a turkey basket distribution to underserved families just in time for the hol-
         oncologic, bariatric, urologic, gynecologic, and pediatric patients at Broward Health.   idays. Recently, Broward Health donated $250,000 worth of PPE and medical supplies to
         Broward Health has not only invested in telehealth programming and a Nurse Connect   support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. About 60 pallets of supplies, including face
         phone service for patients, but also expanded genomics and precision medicine to pro-  masks, surgical gloves, ponchos, sanitizers, isolation gowns and other items that can be
         vide personalized care. Among the technology advancements are:           used for health care, COVID mitigation and preservation of health and wellness, were
          WATCHMAN FLX: Broward Health Medical Center was the first hospital in Broward   shared with community partners for distribution in Haiti.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            December 2021                          13
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